Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Announcing Judgement Day

Are we being judged right now? EC interviews author Eliyahu Ben David, whose controversial new book Announcing Judgement Day claims that we are... and have been for some time. A fascinating discussion about the spiritual state of the world today.

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  1. Great program with Eliyahu Ben David
    I had read his latest book that U had discussed on this program and it was very good insightful information and a must read for all serious truth seekers & believers in Yeshua the Messiah & who really love the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. This book & his radio programs are a very important message for Yahweh's remnant. Eliyahu is a anointed teacher & speaker of the Scriptures. I really hope that he will come and speak again. I heard may of his programs from his Tsiyon website. Very good programs as well. I can't get enough of it. Thank U for airing Eliyahu Ben David.

  2. I just listened to the show and I have to say More More More! I loved it! I have read Eliyahu Ben David’s book “Announcing Judgment Day” His Hebraic out look seemed to be the missing link for me. I now have an understanding and it just sets right with me. One of the things that stood out to me is the judgments of sin in the assemblies is false assessment of being rich and one of commendation of the assemblies is to endure temporal poverty. Y’shua has shown me that what man considers being a blessing is not always what He considers. He has shown me that I am the one who is truly blessed because of my lack of riches. So now I thank Him for considering me and blessing me with His riches and not mans. This is just but one of the many truths that stood out to me after reading this book. Thank you for a great show!

  3. What an excellent program from Eliyahu Ben David! Need to hear more from him. His books and radio show cannot be equaled for providing the path for the remnant of Israel to be following in these last days. Do not make light of this message. It is truth!
