Saturday, August 1, 2009

24 Truths You Can Hang Your Hat On

Given the fact that liberals only have so many plays in their playbook, but a seemingly infinite ability to spin and justify them, I decided to make a list of 20 things you can use as rules of thumb. I make no claim to ownership or authorship of these concepts- I think they are universal truths and thanks to any thinkers out there I may have stolen from. If you have anything to add to the list email me at

1. Governments should be afraid of their citizens. Not the other way around.
2. No matter how much power a government has, it's never enough for things to work the way they want them to.
3. There is no problem on Earth that cannot be made worse by getting Congress involved.
4. When the government does things for people, the people lose their desire, and eventually even the ability, to do it for themselves.
5. Liberals prefer to attack people, not ideas.
6. Government-administered charities are always funded by force and coercion.
7. Once Congress declares a "war" on something, or promise to eliminate something, you know that thing (poverty, drugs, disease, hunger, terror) will never go away.
8. No matter how many times it's explained to them, liberals will always refer to tax cuts as spending.
9. Profit is always more predicatble than politics.
10. Children NEED parents.
11. Anything that gets taxed, gets smaller.
12. Anything that gets subsidized, gets larger.
13. Sometimes violence is necessary to protect peace.
14. The people who run government programs benefit when the programs don't work.
15. Modern slavery has nothing at all to do with shackles, and everything to do with economics and money manipulation, and taxation.
16. "Altruism" should be redefined as "undisclosed motives."
17. Liberty is infringed more by do-gooder government programs than by all the greedy businesses in the world.
18. "Pro-Choice" people aren't usually very pro-choice about anything but abortion.
19. The term "crisis" is easily used to take away liberties.
20. The people who administer government programs don't ever feel very accountable to you, the taxpayer.
21. The only things that really stimulate an economy during peacetime are tax cuts.
22. People are always motivated by some percieved self-interest.
23. The best way to help out your neighbor is to not live off your neighbor.
24. In everything EXCEPT GOVERNMENT, the people paying the bills call the shots.

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  1. Don't forget that absolute power corrupts absoutely; centralization of power means more corruption.

  2. I would add, "Seems all things evil are always defended by liberals.
