Monday, August 3, 2009

Bill O'Reilly, You're Just Another Fascist Tool

Two of Fox News' biggest mouthpieces have made a point of letting everyone know that they aren't going to be like Lou Dobbs and stand on principle. EC makes no bones about it. Bill O'Reilly is a spineless blowhard with no allegiance to, or even interest in, the truth... much less the constitution.

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  1. Just terrific. O'Reilly and Beck are a disgrace.

  2. If O'Reilly has "seen" Obama's Birth Certificate, we all certainly wish he would provide us all a copy, since his supposedly came from Hawaii! Amazing how people like O'Reilly can obtain things like Obama's birth certificate (not the Certification of Live Birth) that the rest of us can't!

  3. I have written to his website that he keeps leaving out the "e" in his motto, "The no spin zone". SPINE is spelt with an "E". I listen to him for 6 months and had enough of the phoney boloney.
