Monday, August 31, 2009

Heil Obama! Obama's Agenda is America's Agenda

Obama and his minions are finding out that just calling anyone who disagrees with him and his crazy agenda a racist is getting old. Their new tact, as evidenced by Rep. Diane Watson of California, is even scarier- if Obama fails, America fails. the investment of a nation into an individual reminds me of another political movement, but I can't think of just what....

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Obama Plummeting Numbers Raise a Challenge to the GOP

Obama's latest numbers are in... and they're looking worse and worse. Zogby reports a full 48% of Americans disapprove of his job performance, while only 42% approve. Moreover, Obama is shaping up to be the most partisan president in recent history, as a full 92% of Republicans are non-plussed with his job performance. The door is wide open for the GOP- or SOMEBODY- to make a principled and aggressive stand against this madness.

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Lawsuits Over Snitchgate Charge White House with Illegal Information Collection

Has the blowback over Obama's ill-advised snitch program begun? The AAPS and CURE filed a lawsuit alleging that the White House was in violation of the law with their plea to Americans to report any "fishy" information. You see, the White House is prohibited from collecting the information they were requesting... and they are prohibited from disposing of any information sent to them. Oops...

And hey- where's the ACLU and all the civil liberties/free speech organizations on this one?

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White House Budget Update Terrifies Sane People

The White House has finally released its annual July budget update- just in time for September. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why Obama delayed the release of his disastrous financial performance... he was hoping to ram through his healthcare disaster and cap and trade tax before the extent of his financial mismanagement became clear. When Obama gets done, will there be a future left to save?

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Summer of Inspiration

In the face of a government intent of squashing our liberties one by one- seizing industries, paying off big business, and recklessly spending our children and grandchildren into bondage- the citizens of America are making themselves heard. We've had enough and we're not going to take it anymore. It's nothing less than inspiring.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ECR Whole Show 08.25.09

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Announcing Judgement Day

Are we being judged right now? EC interviews author Eliyahu Ben David, whose controversial new book Announcing Judgement Day claims that we are... and have been for some time. A fascinating discussion about the spiritual state of the world today.

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The Emergence of "Chrislam"

Think Islam and Christianity are exclusive of each other? Apparently it's all the rage among leftist "Christians" to celebrate Ramadan this year... complete with prayers to Allah and celebration of the "revelation" of the Koran to Mohammed. Heard enough yet?

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Obamacare: The Death of Charity and Compassion

I'm sick and tired of these arrogant leftists telling us all how "compassionate" and "charitable" their healthcare schemes are. I'm not sure how exactly they co-opted these terms and misapplied them to their agenda, but it's time to stand up and let the truth be known. Conservatism IS compassionate, and charity IS personal. It's certainly not charity to steal from one person in order to give to another.... is it?

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ECR Whole Show 08.24.09

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Export Paul Krugman

The projected deficit for the next decade continues to explode... an additional $2 TRILLION in just the last six months. Good thing we have loopy pinheads like Paul Krugman out there to spread some common sense....NOT. Maybe we should figure out how to export Paul Krugman.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

A Muslim Honor Killing in Slow Motion

17-year old Fathima Rifqa Bary says she knows she'll be killed by her parents if she is returned to them. She'll tell that to a Florida judge today at 3:15. More and more of these horrific Muslim ritual slayings are happening here in the West, and EC interviews Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs to talk about Rifqa's case, which she has been following. This is an honor killing happening in slow moti More..on... meaning that we have a chance to stop it. What will our legal system do today at her hearing?

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

"My Muslim Parents Are Going to Murder Me"

Fathima Rifqa Bary, a 17 year old girl from Columbus, Ohio is hoping a Florida court will protect her from her devoutly Muslim parents, who have threatened her with death... because she has become a Christian. Tomorrow Rifqa will argue for her life in front of a Florida judge.

Pamela Geller from the blog Atlas Shrugs has been following this story closely and joins EC to discuss how Rifqa's case is unique, not in the fact that she has been marked for death by her family, but in that she has escaped and is telling her story publicly... and the implications this has for our legal system.

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Whole Show 08.19.09

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rep. Chris Carney: Makin' It Up as He's Goin' Along

In an almost unbelievable town hall exchange, US Rep Chris Carney (D-PA) gets in over his head fast, as he first tells his angry constituents that the bill hasn't been written yet... and tells a lady that the bill she read online isn't the actual bill. Then, just moments later, he tells another questioner to read the bill online or get a hard copy of the bill from his office. The one that hasn't been written yet. Boy, I need to take a Democrap.

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Obama Tells Ministers It's a Sin to Oppose Obamacare

In a stunning display of audacity, President Obama took the opportunity of a conference call with ministers to strongly imply that his opponents were misrepresenting his healthcare plan and "bearing false witness" before reminding them that "I am my brother's keeper."

OK Mr. President... other than the fact that the majority of misrepresentation and lies seem to be coming from your White House, as far as I know the Bible never says that "I am my brother's keeper."

Genesis 4:9 asks "Am I my brother's keeper?"... but the question is unanswered. Even if the answer is YES... how does that jibe with what you're really saying... which is "Government is my brother's keeper."

Misinformation and false witness, indeed.

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The Real Promise of Obamacare: Death by Actuary

The administration dismisses the idea of beaurocratic panels empowered with the authority to make life-and-death decisions on their "budgetary" items, based on a years-of-quality-life formula designed by a bunch of pinheaded numbers-crunchers as a fantasy of the deranged right. The fact is that such panels are an inevitable consequence of socialized medicine- healthcare by the actuarial tables is a fact in Great Britain, Canada, and pretty much everywhere else that has access to the "incredible" benefits of universal healthcare. The always-brilliant Andrew Klavan wrote about what it just might be like in front of such a board.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Exposing Human Trafficking

An estimated 10,000 American children disappear every year. Fellow Liberty Works host Rocky Riedel is doing a week-long expose on the human trafficking networks in America this week. What he's finding out is shocking.

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Single-Payer Healthcare Really Delivers

With the huge push from the left to make sure that there is a government-funded healthcare option giving even Obama fits, EC thought it might be good to look at just two cases in the news today. A UK woman was forced to give birth on a sidewalk due to a shortage of ambulances, and Canada announced that 6500 residents of the province of Vancouver that WOULD have required medically necessary surgery over the next year are well. They have to be, as their needed surgeries have been cancelled.

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Putting Bob Novak, Original Evil Conservative Badass, Into Perspective

As most everyone has heard, Bob Novak, an original Evil Conservative, passed away today from brain cancer. Greg Gutfeld, of Fox's Redeye, wrote an excellent obituary memorializing a man whose common-sense conservatism and individuality made him a fixture in the political arena.

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Whole Show 08.17.09

Snitchgate and Missed Opportunities by the GOP

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How the GOP is Failing to Connect with Conservatives

New Gallup numbers show that conservatives outnumber liberals in every state. Even Vermont. Even Hawaii. Even Illinois. And yet somehow the GOP continues to let their little left wing beat them to death.

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What the Snitchgate Email Fiasco Tells Us About Obama

Barack Obama is delivering on a lowest-common-denominator Presidency in more ways than anyone could have imagined. Think about it. What other White House could possibly have privacy and legal issues over a spam email?

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Ann Coulter Seconds My Hunch on the Congressional Swastika

Who knows who put a swastika on US Rep. David Scott's office sign? I sure don't, but I DO know what recent history tells us, and it wouldn't surprise me if Congressman Scott or one of his staffers had something to do with it.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

How Obama and Big Pharma Are Working Together to Screw Us All

Get ready for an endless litany of PR and television commercials touting the wonders and benefits of Obama's socialized healthcare bill, funded by the pharmaceutical lobby and the AMA. The left uses the big pharma lobby as a foil to demonize... but in reality they're in bed with them. Kind of "ironical," don't you think?

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Orwell's 1984 is 25 Years Late, but It's Here

Phil Elmore had a great opinion piece in WND today where he pointed out the similarities between George Orwell's 1984 and today. We don't just read about the tyrannical, controlling, manipulatively mendacious society Orwell portrayed in 1984- we get to live in it.

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Left Wing Looking for a Boogeyman

Obama always does his best when he argues against a straw man. Basically, he's an expert at defeating a debate opponent by constructing a false representation of his opponent's position, and then attacking that non-existent position. Why should these town halls be any different? Plants are starting to turn up at the meetings, and now CBS is attacking militias and gun owners as racists, while our White House is playing email games.

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Harry Reid's So Proud of Himself

Harry Reid thought himself pretty witty when he repeatedly referred to the town hall protesters as "evil mongers"- giving himself credit for "coining" the phraseand repeating it like a 6 year old with a potty joke. Who's really mongering evil here?

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Four Months Left to Save the Planet (We'd Better Get to Work!)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon (who cares if I spelled it right?) made a speech in his native Korea that was meant as a call to arms for all the envirofascists around the world. As Ban Ki Moon says, world leaders are now seeing how environmentlism and a commitment to saving the planet can help them exercise ridiculous amounts of control over their citizens. Yippee. According to Ban Ki, we have 4 months to save the planet. Unfortunately, it may already be too late to save us from Ban Ki Moon and his International Socialists.

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Christians Beheaded in Somalia by "Religion of Peace"

"He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."

Recently four Christians were beheaded by an Al Qaeda-linked group in Somalia for... being Christians. Specifically for refusing to renounce Jesus- which would have gained them release. Not surprisingly, the practitioners of the "religion of peace" who perpetrated this act are now refusing to even ret More..urn the bodies to their families for burial.

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Wanna Save the Environment? Stop Having Babies!

What's the biggest sin on the envirofascist left? Having more little "megaconsumers." EC analyzes a truly wacky article from the leftists journal In These Times by Lisa Manterfield - titled The Poop on Population. These earth-worshiping lunatics see humans as nothing more than polluters, and see it as their "divine mission" to save a planet from a nonexistent threat. Entertaining, but scary...

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White House Can't Deny They're Keeping a Snich List

Obama's White House is caught between a rock and a hard place, and spokesman Bill Burton knows it. Megan Kelly puts the screws to him, and he just refuses to answer her simple question about the White House snitch database being compiled at (don't worry, I'm quite sure I'm already on any lists they have). On the one hand is the Nixon-era law that prohibits them from maintai More..ning any kind of a database on their domestic detractors and political opponents. On the other hand are White House transparency laws which require them to archive any and every communication with anyone

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Media Loved Protesters- When They Were Anti-Bush

The media's focusing on any over-the-top protesters that show up at the Potemkin town hall meetings being conducted by legislators this August, making sure to characterize the protests as angry, violent, and "astroturf". I wonder why they never put this kind of focus on the Code Pink psychos who stalked President Bush for the better part of 8 years?

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Obama Plant Gets Called Out on TV

Much of America has seen the man at the Dingell town hall meeting holding the Obama/Hitler moustache sign. I personally think it's a pretty funny, and not entirely inaccurate, sign. That being said, imagine the surprise of finding out he was actually a Dingell supporter. Oops.

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Chris Matthews Hates Those Damn Patriots and Their Guns

Hard On with Chris Matthews featured the patriot that freaked out CNN and all the Mass-holes at yesterday's Potemkin production by Obama in New Hampshire. Tonight Chris had a hard-on about the 2nd Amendment and those patriots who would dare exercise it in the vicinity of our elites...

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Study: Homeschool Kids Nearly Twice as Smart as Public School Kids

Alright, I'm kidding... but only KIND OF. A recent study released by the Home School Legal Defense Association shows that homeschooled kids test, on AVERAGE, in the 87th percentile. When you compare those results to the public school average (50% by definition), the superiority of a home school education seems apparent to all but the most brain-dead statists. EC says if your kids are in state-run schools, you need a check up from the neck up.

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Insulted Citizens Aren't Shutting Up

A caller voices his concern about government mismanagement, and EC documents the courageous citizens standing up to our arrogant, pedantic, malfeasant elected representatives. Apparently Obama's hack-and-thug strategy isn't paying off... they just WON'T SHUT UP!

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Obama On Healthcare vs. The Facts About HealthCare

In light of President Obama's recent departures from accuracy in his pitch on socialized medicine, it might be a good idea to take his assertions point-by-point.

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AARP Says Obama Lied About Endorsement

President Obama went to a town hall meeting today in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A carefully screened crowd and questions did not help keep him on script, however, as he blatantly lied about AARP's "endorsement" of the House's crazy socialist scheme. Later in the day, an AARP spokesperson had to correct our mendacious president.

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Grandma Got Run Over By ObamaCare

She signed up for AARP
Some say private healthcare is a villain
I think poor old Grandpa disagrees...

brilliantly funny song by Perry Nunley

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What Recession? There's a Boom Market in Anti-Obama Trinkets

OK, so the housing market, the job market, and the stock market are all sucking wind... at least there's some encouraging news in retail- Anti-Obama trinkets are flying off the shelves.

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Whole Show 08.10.09

Obama's plan is being questioned by conservatives, capitalists, and Americans of all stripes... Remember WHO Obama's union thigs are attacking- people like Ken Gladney and Mike Sola, who are standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves...

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Obama's Snitch Czar Keeps Lying About the Snitch Line

Linda Douglass, Obama's Snitch Czar, is standing by the official line that the White House is NOT keeping any information they are collecting from their creepy (and probably illegal) Snitch Line. No matter that it's a political goldmine of information on their enemies. And no matter that the LAW requires them to archive all correspondence. They're throwing away all the data. Of course they are.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama's Health Plan Targets the Weak and Vulnerable

One of the primary purposes of a society (along with a common defense) is to provide for the weakest and most vulnerable among us. It seems self-evident that Obama's plan will paint "high-cost" targets on the back of those exact individuals. It sure is to Mike Sola, who showed up at John Dingell's town hall to speak for his son, Mike, who cannot speak for himself.

It's important for us to remember that what Obama, Pelosi, and their union thugs are doing is smacking down the Ken Gladneys and the Mike Solas who are out there standing up for those people who can't stand up for themselves... all while arrogantly claiming to be doing what they cannot do- improve on the free market.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

What's This? The Fourth Reich??? (Whole Show 08.06.09)

HealthScare Healthcare... Gibbsy gets caught in a HUGE lie... White House Enemies List leading to Snitchgate?...We've seen this before...

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

White House Keeping Names List- Gibbsy Gets Caught in a Whopper!!

White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs gets caught ina HUGE LIE today. After repeating over and over that the White House wasn't keeping any names off their wierd email snitch initiative, a sharp reporter points out that THAT would be brealing the law...

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Never Again!

We've seen all of this before; a modern nation brought to its knees by a political agenda driven by racial politics and fueled by a state-controlled manufacturing and finance sector, obsessed with population control, eugenics, and gun control, aided by a compliant and controlled media, pitting one segment of society against another, and crushing their domestic opposition by strangling their rights gradually- and all underpinned by a phony "science". We've fought this battle before and it's time to stand together now and say - NEVER AGAIN!

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Dem Reps Finding Town Halls Uniformly Nasty

Democrat Reps are running scared from their own constituents - probably wondering if Obama and Pelosi's promises of pork to buy votes will be enough. At a certain point, they are finding their people WILL resist totalitarian government.

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Sen. Cornyn Calls Out Obama Admin on their Enemies List

With the White House soliciting citizens to inform on each other, people are starting to wonder where this intelligence will go and what it will be used for. Senator Cornyn and the media make Robert Gibbs dance and lie...

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