Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tonight on ECR - Libertarian VP Candidate Wayne Root - Launching on The Eagle 104

I had a great work-cation in California and now Evil Conservative Radio is proud to roll into our newest market- Tampa/Ocala, on The Eagle 104.3FM, the new flagship station for the Liberty Works Radio Network.

Tonight we'll be joined by Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate Wayne Root, and looking at the rise of nanny-state government and merger of Big Business with Big Government. What does that mean for liberty in America?

We're really proud to be involved with Liberty Works Radio Network- the people behind LWRN seem top-notch, and they have a plan to bring the message of constitutionalism, limited government, and liberty to the airwaves with the support of people like you and me - a grassroots plan to educate, inform, and entertain people by telling the truth.

Evil Conservative Radio will be LIVE nightly om The Eagle 104.3 Mondays thru Thursdays from 10-11PM EDT, and streaming on the Liberty Works Radio Network site
here, in addition to our weekly New York show on WVOX.

I'd enthusiastically encourage you to listen to the other shows on Liberty Works as well... they're committed to building a great nationwide grassroots network using The Eagle as the cornerstone, and this is a great opportunity for you to support this innovative and daring way to bypass the malicious mainstream media and deliver the voice of liberty directly to the people - by listening, supporting, and spreading the word.

Don't miss Evil Conservative Radio every weeknight Monday thru Thursday on The Eagle WILF 104.3 FM in Ocala/Tampa and streaming here.
Every Wednesday night at 7PM EDT on WVOX 1460 AM in NYC/Westchester and STREAMING HERE

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