Sunday, May 17, 2009

This Week on Evil Conservative Radio

Airs Live Every Night Mon-Thurs 10Pm EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

Monday - Things Your Neighbor Should Do to Reduce His/Her Carbon Footprint, Pro-Life Baby Shouts Down Obama at Notre Dame, and more...

Tuesday - Is a conservative savior coming? Former U.S. Rep. John LeBoutillier(R-NY) explains why he thinks the noxious mix of Obama's radical leftism and the McCain-ification of the GOP could be fertile ground for a conservative rebound

Wednesday - Go Inside Bilderberg '09 with Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Thursday - Finally! A good -ism - "Culturism" Author John Press lends some intellectual firepower to the need for cultural conservatism.

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