From my February Article:
Step 1 - Undermine the integrity of the credit system. That can be accomplished by whining endlessly about "unfairness" in lending practices, lumping individuals into convenient groups and demanding, even legislating, that all GROUPS should be lent to equally. That forces lenders to ignore the borrower's ability to repay, in order to comply with onerous federal regulations like the Community Reinvestment Act that require you to loan to specific now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network
Step 2 - Use strength in the economy to extend Step 1 to the breaking point. Encourage undocumented loans to illegal aliens and the chronically jobless, and make sure that federally chartered institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are run by people who are "down for the struggle," and who will use their positions to encourage and engage in MASSIVE fraud... distorting home prices and creating an enormous bubble.
Step 3 - Use positions in key places like the House Finance Committee to run interference for the fraud. Accuse anyone looking into the matter or showing concern of racism against the favored GROUPS, identified by race or class. Deny, deny, deny. If you're really ballsy, you can even say that anyone asking questions is just trying to raise a "general shibboleth," and make sure and comment on the "outstanding leadership" that the federal institutions have.... even as they spin towards the edge.
Step 4 - At an opportune political moment, like, say... an election year, have someone do a kneecap job on one of the more overextended lenders... like IndyMac Bank, and create a panic over the wild lending practices of the banks. That will get the ball rolling fast.
Step 5 - Accuse the banks of manipulation and dishonesty. Say that the banks wanted to make the loans out of greed. It's ALMOST the truth.. they had to make the bad loans to get leverage to make the good ones. Since the banks are imploding at this time, they won't put much effort into denying the charge.... and no one will look at YOU as the cause.
Step 6 - Now that the banks are imploding, offer them a hand. Give them a HUGE bailout package that is guaranteed to piss of voters and, we all know, won't do a damn thing to solve the problem, but it WILL create huge class envy and anger... and we know who that benefits. Use this anger to gain more control over the private sector... you can even say they NEED it! It's brilliant, because you gain control over the institutions even as you use our economic freedom like so much political capital to enrage the mindless masses.
Step 7 - After winning the election, have the President talk down the markets relentlessly. Offer NO HOPE but government. Say ONLY GOVERNMENT can solve our current crisis. Don't entertain any other solutions and use the world's biggest bully pulpit to attack the free market system. Show how it has failed the people.... and offer a "better" way... collectivize problems and use the alienation of the merchant class as a lever against capitalism in general. Again, they are now on the dole, so they won't say anything.
Step 8 - After all of this, some people will be begging for the government to take control, and, after you have peed in the capitalist pool and scared away as many investors as you can.. only one investor remains standing who is dumb enough to invest in such a losing situation.... the government.
Finally - Banks control capital. Capital is necessary for capitalism. Control the banks and you can kill capitalism. Game over.
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