Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Roger Hedgecock: Why Obama's Eligibility Isn't Being Pursued

Roger Hedgecock, talk show host, former mayor of San Diego, and frequent sub for Rush Limbaugh, talks to EC about Obama's eligibility, and why the top-tier talkers aren't pursuing it.... the answer may surprise you.

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  1. Why will Rush not talk about it this way if Roger is? I don't get it. This story is HUGE!

    If these media figures have really checked up on Obama, why haven't they run any articles detailing why they are CONVINCED that he is legit?

    I don't get what is going on here. People already think Rush is divisive, why wouldn't he bring this up?



  2. I don't agree with Roger's almost "leave Obama's ineligibilty alone" due to the difficulties of getting people to act on it. This man is illegally serving as Pres. I have more respect for the aggressive way that Orlie Taitz is pursuing it...trying to bring about sufficient public exposure that something happens.. James Padgett
