Friday, May 29, 2009

Partisan Chrysler Closures Hurt GOPers, Benefit Clinton Flack

In case you haven't heard, Comrade Obama is closing Chrysler dealerships owned by Republicans (and ONE Democrat).... including one owned by Florida GOP Congressman Vern Buchanan... you'll never guess which former high-profile Clinton flack BENEFITS, though. How coincidental

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Green Do-Gooders Ruin Times Square

Anti-commerce green do-gooders have struck at the heart of America- NYC isn\'t for everyone, and Times Square even less so... but few would argue that there is nowhere else in the Western Hemisphere that is as BUSY... until now. The envirowackos have turned Times Square into a pedestrian mall...making EC's commute a living hell

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Cab-Sharing to Save the Planet

NYC has a bold new plan to help save the world... taxi cab riders will share their taxi with other riders going in the same direction. That's brilliant... only I think maybe someone had that idea already - don't we call that a BUS?

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Craig T Nelson Goes John Galt All Over the Place on TV

TV's "Coach" doesn't seem too happy about Obamanomics... and he blew off some steam yesterday on Glenn Beck's Fox News show... Saying that he's considering becoming a tax protestor. EC thinks this is GREAT

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Critics Point Out Sotomayor's Racist Connections: Press Ignores

Tom tancredo doesn't mind calling them like he sees them.. and when he looks at Sonia Sotomayor, he sees the potential to have an emotional, unconstitutional, irrational, inarticulate racist on our nation's highest court for God-know-how-long. No wonder he's ticked. CNN's undermoron Rick Sanchez deflects and says that racism isn't the issue... at least Keith Olbermann is the TOP moron at his network.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Identity Politics and Fairness Run Amok: The Sotomayor Nomination

Sonia Sotomayor is the living embodiment of identity politics and "fairness" run amok - a cynical pick by an administration that talks bi-partisanship while walking the path of the radical left wing.

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Biden Jokes About Obama's Teleprompter - Who's the Joke REALLY On?

Apparently our Commander-in Chief's inability to effectively articulate himself when he is not in close proximity to a teleprompter isn't something only we on the right have noticed... our VP made some candid quips at the Air Force Academy graduation about his boss that can only be characterized as, well... Bidenesque...

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Govt Targeting Republican-Owned Chrysler Dealerships for Closure?

There are some startling statistics starting to come out from the Chrysler dealership closures - like 10-1 odds that the dealer closing near you is run by a Republican.

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"Offensive" American Flag Removed from Texas Office Wall (video)

Imagine being told the flag you put up on your office wall to honor your veteran family members was removed because it "offended" a co-worker... Yeah, it happened

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gibbs Laughs at Obama Eligibility Question

How did Robert Gibbs respond when asked about Obama's refusal to document his eligibility for office by releasing his birth certificate? He laughed... along with the press. Then he lied..... then he laughed along with the press again. Wondering why the biggest story - possibly in the history of our nation - has been ignored and ridiculed by the mainstream media? Now we know. They think our constitution is laughable.

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ECR on Liberty Works Radio Network #14

North Korea Fires Another One... Cal Supremes Rain on the Gay Parade... Sotomayor: A Radical with an Agenda... Drive for Fed audit gains steam... Obama's new cyberczar.... Roger Hedgecock on socialism, Sotomayor as a flash point, and Obama's eligibility.. and MORE

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

House Bill to Audit Fed Gains Support

HR 1207, Ron Paul's bill to demand an audit of the Fed, is gaining steam on Capitol Hill, with 179 sponsors now signed on. Will Congress' power hunger end up working for the good of the people? Is the fat lap dog turning on it's owner?

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Is Sotomayor REALLY the First Hispanic Supreme? And Other Liberal Fixations...

You might not believe it, but there is a raging debate on the left about whether or not Sonia Sotomayor is REALLY the first Hispanic on the nation's highest court. After all, there was Benjamin Cardozo. But, the Daily Kos asks, does he really count? After all, some say he wasn't really Hispanic. He was of Portuguese ancestry... and a Jew.

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North Korea Fires Another Missile- Is Iran Involved?

Just one day after Kim Jong Mentally Ill and his henchmen blew up a nuke on OUR Memorial Day... they launched another rocket. What's REALLY behind this? EC gives his take on how Iran and North Korea may be closer than we think.

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Obama's New Cyberczar Will Be Watching YOU

Obama's plan to create a new "cyberczar" with a "broad mandate" in charge of protecting government AND PERSONAL computer networks from harm has some people wondering... just who will the cyberczar regulate anyway?

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Roger Hedgecock: How Sotomayor Can Help Us Expose Obama

Roger Hedgecock talks to EC about the tremendous opportunity that we have to teach fundamental conservative values to America right now, thanks to Obama's overreaching agenda and his reckless nomination of Sotomayor. we may not be able to stop her, but we have an opportunity to shed some light on Obama's carefully concealed past and his strategically obscured positions.

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Roger Hedgecock: Why Obama's Eligibility Isn't Being Pursued

Roger Hedgecock, talk show host, former mayor of San Diego, and frequent sub for Rush Limbaugh, talks to EC about Obama's eligibility, and why the top-tier talkers aren't pursuing it.... the answer may surprise you.

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