Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama Calls Eagles Owner, Thanks Him for Giving Michael Vick a 2nd Chance

Is it just me, or are Obama's priorities a little strange?

Obama Calls Eagles Owner, Thanks Him for Giving Michael Vick a 2nd Chance

By Doug Powers • December 27, 2010 10:56 AM

**Written by Doug Powers

The Humane Society endorsed Obama in 2008, but maybe the president knows this is becoming safer political territory on which to tread, because less than two weeks ago the president of the Humane Society said he’s opento Vick one day being allowed to own dogs again.

From Sports Grid:

Obama, it seems, is squarely in the “credit Vick for making good on another chance” camp. King said last night that Obama called Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie and commended him for giving Vick the second chance many ex-prisoners never receive. King reiterated that report in a later tweet:

Yes, Obama called Eagle owner Jeffrey Lurie to praise the Eagles for giving Vick a chance. Said too many prisoners never get fair 2d chance.

This is supposedly a “pat on the back” for an owner open to second chances, but here’s a wildly rhetorical question: Would this call have been made if Vick had been having a lousy season? I mean, should the success or failure of a second chance be judged solely by QB rating? Heck, would the call have been made if Lurie wasn’t such a big Democrat/Obama supporter? The “second chance” that might be at the back of Obama’s mind is the 2012 election.

In any case, I have an uneasy suspicion that this could culminate in a shamelessly publicized (of course) “Alpo summit” at the White House to which Bo, if he’s smart, will send his regrets.

**Written by Doug Powers

Michelle Malkin » Obama Calls Eagles Owner, Thanks Him for Giving Michael Vick a 2nd Chance

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