Monday, December 27, 2010

Alvin Greene Announces Run for Congress '12

It would be a shame to see all that talent go to waste. I'm sure you remember Alvin Greene's performances... if not, I've included a few videos after the jump. As incompetent as he was/is, he has proven himself to be a formidable primary opponent in the South Carolina Democrat Party... but why that is is subject to some debate, depending upon which conspiracy theory you believe.

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Alvin Greene, the unemployed Army veteran who suggested during his failed U.S. Senate bid that making action figures of himself would help create jobs, is running for office again.
Greene paid the $165 filing fee on Christmas Eve to run in a special election for a South Carolina House seat made vacant by the death this month of Rep. Cathy Harvin.
Cal Land, the chairman of the Clarendon County Democratic Party, said Greene entered the race five minutes after the filing period opened. A primary will be held Feb. 15 with the special election set for April 5.
Greene said Monday he would wait to see who else filed before commenting on the race. He was handily defeated in November by incumbent U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint.

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