Tuesday, December 28, 2010

NY’s Dumbest; NYC Sanitation Workers Destroy A Ford Explorer

This video shows a bad situation that gets way, way worse... In NYC, it's generally considered a reason to celebrate when you land a free parking spot on the street. I'll bet the owner of the SUV featured in this video wishes he'd just sprung the $20 or so to park in a garage.

I ran across this earlier at Anne's Power Surge Blog and just had to pass it along to you

NY’s Dumbest; NYC Sanitation Workers Destroy A Ford Explorer, ***WARNING, GRAPHIC LANGUAGE!***

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New York’s dumbest at their worse! ***WARNING, GRAPHIC LANGUAGE!***
From this gentleman’s window, he sees snow clearing efforts go really, really wrong.
From the person who upload the video to YouTube:”City workers destroy a Ford Explorer trying to free a snowbound front-loader in Brooklyn Heights, New York after the storm of 2010. The crazy thing here….the vehicle WAS….wait for it….A NYC Dept of Buildings city owned vehicle. I went down, I know the owner, they are aware of the video and no police ever came. Hope that answers a lot of questions. Obviously some comments here in response are from the driver himself….read-on.”
The sad reality is that since these are city union employees, their chances of getting fired is pretty much close to 0,zip,nada. New York City government will simply take care of the problem by most likely, passing the costs along to the taxpayers of that city in the form of higher taxes.
With MANY THANKS to both JCK42 and YouTube. Watch Video Here:
NY’s Dumbest; NYC Sanitation Workers Destroy A Ford Explorer, ***WARNING, GRAPHIC LANGUAGE!*** « Anne's POWER SURGE Blog
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