Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Krugman: "Death Panels Will Save Lots of Money"

OK I get it. If you think Obama's Death Panels are a BAD idea you're a paranoid, reationary, racist, right-wing Hater-ade drinker who's making stuff up just to undermine the President. On the other hand, if you think that they're a great idea and think that society will be a bed of roses if we could only save untold millions or billions of dollars by untreating or, possibly, terminating people, then you're a brilliant luminary worthy of praise, a visionary whose opinion may help lead us all to a brighter, more tightly controlled future. Heck, you may even win a Nobel Prize - all the good guys are these days, don't you know.

I also leaned that they prefer you call them ADVISORY BOARDS instead of death panels. "Death panels" is so tacky. And also racist.

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