Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Really Wish Charlie Crist Would Just Go the Hell Away

I think Charlie Crist probably hit an all-time low with his goofy appearance on Greta's show last night. Making bizarre insinuations about $130 haircuts (a little pricey, but I suppose when you're campaigning you may have to pay up a bit for such things... I mean, I can't exactly see waiting in line at Supercuts when you have a 3 speeches and an interview today...), back hair, and, maybe most perplexingly, suggesting that the measure of fiscal conservatism has nothing to do with little things like supporting $787 Billion "stimulus" packages that do nothing to stimulate anything - and a whole heck of a lot to do with getting $11 haircuts in St. Petersburg.

So apparently, according to Crist, getting a $130 haircut is unacceptable, but giving the rest of the nation a $787 BILLION haircut is OK. Don't bother checking your underwear... I think I've found the skidmark of the day.

FL-Sen: Crist Accuses Rubio Of Getting Back Waxes

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