Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Guam to Capsize???

This is one guy who doesn't let his staff do his thinking for him. Here's Hank Johnson, a Democrat and "yes" vote on Obamacare, explaining his concern that relocating additional troops to Guam may cause the island to "tip over and capsize." You have to give him credit - this is one danger that the experts have not considered. A tip to his re-election team: highlight his ability to think outside the box.

Krugman: "Death Panels Will Save Lots of Money"

OK I get it. If you think Obama's Death Panels are a BAD idea you're a paranoid, reationary, racist, right-wing Hater-ade drinker who's making stuff up just to undermine the President. On the other hand, if you think that they're a great idea and think that society will be a bed of roses if we could only save untold millions or billions of dollars by untreating or, possibly, terminating people, then you're a brilliant luminary worthy of praise, a visionary whose opinion may help lead us all to a brighter, more tightly controlled future. Heck, you may even win a Nobel Prize - all the good guys are these days, don't you know.

I also leaned that they prefer you call them ADVISORY BOARDS instead of death panels. "Death panels" is so tacky. And also racist.

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Obama Drilling Ban Lift Just Political Posturing?

I was so happy to see this morning that Obama actually did something I agreed with. Something to help America confront our foreign oil dependency. Then I found out that he didn't actually do anything at all. Now I'm kicking myself for thinking, even for just a moment, that Obama would give this issue anything more than the disingenuous, superficial and facile treatment that he's given so many other concerns.

Like where he sits down and "listens" to the GOP's concerns on healthcare immediately before steamrolling over them. Well, here he goes again, only this time he's lifting a non-existent ban. Great work, America. We've elected a real winner this time.

Kerpen on drilling: 'Obama is talking about lifting a nonexistent ban'

President Obama announces today that he will "allow" oil drilling off the coast of Virginia. AFP Vice President for Policy Phil Kerpen issued the following statement:

"Obama is talking about lifting a nonexistent ban! Bush lifted the executive ban in July 2008, and Congress lifted the legislative ban in October 2008. There is no legal impediment to drilling now, except that the Obama administration refuses to offer leases. So the idea that this is a big concession in exchange for which Congress should jumpstart climate legislation is ridiculous. I'll believe they are really allowing drilling when they actually offer leases. Also, the 50-mile restriction means he is actually ADDING a NEW moratorium on waters inside of 50 miles."

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lefties Attack Free Speech, Karl Rove for Being a "War Criminal"

Here's an interesting video of a bunch of left-wing nuts in California showing their customary respect for free speech that they don't agree with.

From the lefty dictionary:

War Monger - a conservative or Republican who defends our nation against attacks from overseas.

Peace Maker - a Democrat or liberal/socialist who continues or expands those policies.

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Failure of NYC Bookmaking Monopoly Proves the Government Can't Run Anything Properly

Off-Track Betting, New York City's paramutual gambling monopoly, has laid off 1300 workers and is threatening to shut down all 66 of its betting parlors throughout the city. How a gambling monopoly can lose $45 million in 5 years is a case study in why the government can't run anything properly and a horrifying preview of the coming healthcare implosion under Obamacare.

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Latest Physics Theories May Help Challenge Evolution

The latest theories on the nature and origin of gravity are generating lots of interest from those looking to unify the various systems (Einsteinian, Newtonian, Quantum, String Theory) of looking at our universe, and bringing to the forefront the importance of the second law of thermodynamics as an organizing principle in our universe. The problem is that the second law of thermodynamics and evolution are pretty much incompatible, as EC explains.

Second Law of Thermodaynamics: In any system, entropy (chaos) is always increasing, and any decrease of entropy (chaos) inside a system requires work (intelligence) to be added to the system.

Evolution: The universe, and every organism inside it, has self-ordered out of chaos, with no added energy or intelligence. It just happened.

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Disproving the Myth that "Conservatives Are Violent, and Liberals Are Non-violent"

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the mainstream media consider the Tea Party capable of violence. Let's take a look at those who have committed most of the political violence, both in the United States and abroad.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Perfection of Victimhood

It's not a very closely guarded secret that liberals love to be the victims. What's harder to understand is how they can steamroll opposition, brutally silence dissent, and rig the machinery of the republic, while simultaneously protesting their "victimization." An intellectually honest person might call it a bad case of projection, but an astute observer notices the direction of Saul Alinsky's mentor Antonio Gramsci and a case of public manipulation.

imon at Classical Values considers The Democrats' Gramscian Problem. Divide and conquer to create the brotherhood of man, without use of arms. Alinksy was indeed a Gramscian Marxist, in my view, although he is often labelled otherwise. We did an introduction to Gramsci here. ("The long march through the culture.")
Simon links to a piece at Armed and Dangerous about ideological warfare and the Gramscian damage to America. He lists the most important Stalinist propaganda memes:
  • There is no truth, only competing agendas.
  • All Western (and especially American) claims to moral superiority over Communism/Fascism/Islam are vitiated by the West’s history of racism and colonialism.
  • There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another. Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor.
  • The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable.
  • Crime is the fault of society, not the individual criminal. Poor criminals are entitled to what they take. Submitting to criminal predation is more virtuous than resisting it.
  • The poor are victims. Criminals are victims. And only victims are virtuous. Therefore only the poor and criminals are virtuous. (Rich people can borrow some virtue by identifying with poor people and criminals.)
  • For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But ‘oppressed’ people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors.
  • When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concession

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Obamaton Arrested for Threatening Cantor

The intolerant left strikes again, proving the only thing they can't tolerate is an opposing view. Seemingly not content to merely abuse their majority strength in Washington, only the permanent silence of those who dare to disagree with them is acceptable. One Obamaton who reportedly has an extensive library of hate videos available on MySpace got arrested - allegedly for threatening US Rep. Eric Cantor. I think maybe they should give Mr. Leboon a break. After all, he was just following his marching orders to "get in their face." Besides, if he was Muslim his name wouldn't be Leboon. It would be LeBOOM.

Federal authorities have arrested a Philadelphia man and charged him with threatening to kill House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and his family.

Norman Leboon will be charged with two federal counts: threatening to kill a member of Congress and interfering with his federal duties, and posting video online containing such threats. He is scheduled to appear in federal district court in Philadelphia on Monday afternoon.

The arrest is the most serious in a string of threats of violence against lawmakers in wake of the divisive health care vote. At least 10 Democrats along with a handful of Republicans, including Cantor, reported threats of violence during the past week.

“At this time, the congressman will have no further comment on this threat or the investigation, and asks that inquiries be directed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring said. “The congressman is deeply grateful for, and would like to dearly thank all local and federal law enforcement involved, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Attorney’s Office[s] in Virginia and Philadelphia, U.S. Capitol Police and the Henrico Police Department in Virginia.”

In a video posted on YouTube, Leboon said Cantor was a "liar, you're a Lucifer, you're a pig, a greedy [expletive] pig." He also seemed to refer to a bullet found in Cantor’s office last week and said it will be placed in his head. Richmond Police had originally discounted the bullet as a stray. It is unclear whether the FBI will expand the investigation into the Richmond bullet.

Leboon faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted of both charges.

According to an FBI affidavit, the investigation moved swiftly. On March 26, the FBI’s San Francisco office got a copy of a YouTube video in which Leboon allegedly made threats to kill Cantor and his “cupcake evil wife.”

Leboon’s video also makes reference to Cantor’s Judaism – Cantor last week said he has received anti-Semitic threats in the past.

“Remember Eric at our judgment time, the final Yom Kippur has been given,” according to a transcript of the video in the affidavit. “…You’re an abomination, you receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abomination.”

Google, the owner of YouTube, provided the FBI with the IP address of the person who submitted the video and found it to be in Philadelphia.

Police had a warrant to arrest Leboon on separate charges of terroristic threats with intent to terrorize another, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person.

Leboon was arrested March 27 and told the FBI that he used his cell phone video camera to make the video. He also admitted, according to the affidavit, that he had made more than 2,000 threatening videos.

He told the FBI, according to the affidavit, that he is the “son of the god of Enoch” and further said Cantor is “pure evil” and will be dead.

Leboon does not appear to be particularly politically active, but he does appear to have donated to President Barack Obama. On back-to-back days in June 2008, a man who called himself “Norman Leboon Sr” from Philadelphia gave $255 and $250 to Obama for America. The Democratic National Committee will donate $505 to charity if it was the same man that threatened Cantor. The DNC condemned the threats to Cantor and his family.

"We strongly condemn such threats and believe they should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," said Hari Sevugan, DNC spokesman.

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Religion of Peace Strikes Again

Moscow commuters were headed to their jobs this morning when, all of a sudden, a follower of the "religion of peace" started doing the Lord's work again. It kind of makes me wonder why Allah needs so much help, and such violent help at that. I believe strongly in people being able to exercise their conscience, but what kind of a conscience tells you to go blow people up?

Oh well, while Moscow reels from an ACTUAL, REAL terrorist attack, Comrade Obama and the US government are raiding Christian militia compounds for possibly maybe contemplating defending themselves, probably with their fingers in their ears saying "La la la la la la la la I can't hear you."

Amid the jostling crowds squeezing their way on to the packed train at Lubyanka, no one gave the silent, bulkily dressed woman a second glance. It was minutes before 8 o’clock and she was just one of the seven million passengers due on the Moscow Metro that day.

Seconds later, before the train had left the station platform, she detonated her explosives, sending glass and twisted metal ripping through the carriage and filling the air with screams and smoke.

Alexandra Antonova heard the explosion as her train was speeding away, the last to leave Lubyanka before the bomb. “The explosion deafened me, but the train didn’t stop,” she said. “Nobody had time to understand what had happened.”

Back at the station, passengers screamed in terror and fled through the dense smoke for the exits. As the smoke cleared, mangled corpses lay scattered in and around the train. Some of the dead sat slumped in their seats. The walking wounded joined the exodus, leaving trails of their blood along the platform.

Ludmilla Famokatovo, who sells newspapers outside Lubyanka, was struck by the absence of panic among the crowds streaming out of the station. But she noticed the tears. “One man was weeping, crossing himself,” she said. “He was saying 'Thank God, I survived'.”

Others had already progressed to anger. One man, the boyfriend of a woman seriously injured in the blast, swore vengeance against all Muslims and showed off blood on his hands that he claimed had come from punching a Muslim passer-by in the face.

“I am going to kill one of them. A Tajik, an Azerbajani, it does not matter, they are all the same,” he spat at journalists gathering in Lubyanka Square. “War is going to begin.”

Within half an hour, the second bomb exploded on a train farther down the same line at Park Kultury, the station closest to Gorky Park.

Alexandra Antonova had passed through moments before, having arrived on the last train to leave Lubankya before the blast there.

“I was in the middle of the train when somewhere in the first or second carriage there was a huge blast,” one man told reporters. “I felt the shockwaves reverberate through my body.”

Most of those caught up in the blast at Park Kultury had no idea of the carnage that had just taken place farther up the line. They fled the train screaming and surged along the smoke-filled hallways, fighting to get to safety.

“Everyone was screaming,” Valentin Popov, a student who escaped another train, said. “There was a stampede at the doors. I saw one woman holding a child and pleading with people to let her through but it was impossible.”

A newspaper seller watched the exodus in horror. "I saw dozens of people running out of the Metro. Their faces were black with soot.”

By then, ambulances had started to arrive with doctors to treat the wounded. "I saw a girl with scratches all over her legs, all her stockings were in holes, and a man with a bleeding head. Doctors could not stop the bleeding,” he said.

“Lots of people were in tears when coming out of the Metro. One young man came up to me, he looked normal and OK, was about to say something but just collapsed in front of my eyes – probably because of the shock."

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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Deciphering the Deceptive Message of Earth Hour

Tonight at 8:30PM (irrespective of time zones) you can celebrate Earth Hour with occultists, elitists, envirofascists, and the easily-led around the world by turning off all your lights for one hour. This will, logically enough, help us to "save" the Earth from the evil capitalists, earth destroyers, and, one presumes, possibly even from former president George Bush. Of course we should all want to do our part. It's the right thing to do.

The net result of attaching an enviro-morality to silly acts like turning off your lights for an hour of group-think and meditation may not be obvious to those of you who are less preoccupied with things like the art of psychological manipulation. However, I think that even the most cynical among us has to agree that there is a certain demonic brilliance in convincing millions of people around the world to harmonize their thoughts and actions for an hour as a first step to defend our world against a nonexistent threat. Especially when Step 2 is a police state.

Make no mistake about it. The powers of tyranny, globalism, and deception will be on parade tonight in your neighborhood. No doubt that some of your neighbors will be going dark to celebrate the event and do their part to "save the Earth." Whether you want to believe it or not, there are many people who want to see America and her sovereignty crumble, and Plan A is to drown our nation under a flood of needless environmental regulations. Tonight's UN-sponsored Earth Hour is a direct attack on our prosperity, our liberty, and our sovereignty. Many Americans won't see it that way, but that doesn't change the facts.

It attacks our prosperity by calling for the regulation of carbon as a threat to our environment. The same harmless gas that is in every form of life in the universe is demonized and it's production is used as a convenient excuse to destroy businesses and discourage entrepreneurship. It attacks our liberty by demanding that we conform our actions for the good of the group- even if the actions are meaningless. I suppose that at one time bowing was meaningless, too. Think of Earth Hour as a long, deep bow to global governance. Which is why it attacks our sovereignty as well. All these carbon schemes have one thing in common, and that's to stifle growth in America at the expense of growth in other parts of the world. Great news for my Malawian readers, but those of use here in the USA have no reason to celebrate.

For my part, I think I'll mark the occasion by turning on every light in my house, doing a devotional with my kids, and possibly setting a few tires on fire. Hopefully the flames will help show an alternative way to the darkness that is to come.

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Landmarks such as Sydney's Opera House, Beijing's Forbidden City and Taiwan's Taipei 101 office tower temporarily went dark on Saturday as nations dimmed the lights for Earth Hour 2010 to call for action on climate change.

The symbolic one-hour switch-off, first held in Sydney in 2007, has become an annual global event and organizers World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said they expect this year's to be the biggest so far.

The remote Chatham Islands was the first of more than 100 nations and territories to turn off the power at 8.30 p.m. local time, in a rolling event around the globe that ends just across the International Dateline in Samoa 24 hours later.

Tiny Tuvalu, which fears being wiped off the map from rising sea levels, tried to go carbon-neutral for the event, pledging to cut power to its nine low-lying Pacific atolls and asking car and motorcycle owners to stay off the roads, WWF said.

Far to the south in Antarctica, Australia's Davis research station pledged to dim the lights.

Event co-founder Andy Ridley told Reuters that 126 countries and territories had so far signed up, with thousands of special events scheduled, including a lights-out party on Sydney's northern beaches and an Earth Hour 'speed dating' contest.

The number of participants is significantly up on 2009, when 88 countries and territories and more than 4,000 towns and cities took part. Organizers have estimated between 500 million and 700 million people were involved last year.

In Singapore, more than 1,000 people gathered for an Earth Hour carnival in the city center to watch the lights go out at office towers, hotels and other landmarks.

However, lights could still be seen from some buildings and construction sites, disappointing some in the crowd.

"I'm disappointed because most of the buildings' lights are not switched off," said Mat Idris, 26. "I had expected more support from companies," he added.

Thousands, many of them wearing black Earth Hour T-shirts, joined the main switch-off event in the Philippine capital Manila at the sprawling SM Mall of Asia.

Around 15 million Filipinos were expected to participate, according to WWF, to save the equivalent of 5 million pesos (nearly $110,000) worth of electricity.

Taipei 101, the world's second tallest building, turned off all exterior lights and persuaded 99 percent of its tenants to do the same for an hour, the tower's spokesman said.


Ridley, WWF's executive director of Earth Hour, said he believed the perceived failure of last year's Copenhagen conference on climate change had stimulated interest this time.

"There is real frustration with the politics around climate change," Ridley told Reuters.

Business had shown strong support, he said, including the world's major hotel chains, which he said are responsible for a significant chunk of global emissions.

In India, Delhi's Red Fort will go dark, as will the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt and Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue.

Lights will also go out on all the bridges over the Seine in Paris, London's Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge, while in the United States, more than 30 of the 50 state governors have lent their support.

Some, though, criticized the event.

"To hold a candles-and-champagne party indoors, on the mildest night of the year, for just one hour, shows that the whole thing is green tokenism," said Viv Forbes, chairman of climate change skeptic group the Carbon Sense Coalition.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Confusing a Lib's Artful Rhetoric for Hate Speech

Here's a clip of lib talker Malloy (who has a first name but no one seems to know it), engaging in what the uninitiated might mistakenly confuse with "hate speech." But if you think that, then it's just your hate-filled, racist, exploitative conservatism that's at fault. In the future that kind of behavior will cost you at least 20 Hail Obamas and 5 Our Father Pflegers.

Besides, everyone knows liberals don't engage in hate speech.

You see, what Malloy is doing is actually engaging in an erudite debate on the issues concerning our nation. You'd already know that if you weren't so clueless... geez, someone should do something with people like you. I'm sure Malloy would agree.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just Admit It - At Heart, You're a Terrorist

Rep. Clyburn makes it clear - either accept the authority of your elite leaders, or risk being branded a terrorist. In Obama's America, questioning authority and demanding accountability are indistinguishable from the tactics employed by Al Qaeda.

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Obama's America: Protected from the Decadence of Prosperity

According to the Wall Street Journal, health care reform isn't the only noteworthy success of the Obama administration this week- 42 out of 50 states reported that personal income actually DROPPED during Year 1 of the Obama administration. This is, no doubt, due to the focus Comrade Obama has on protecting our children from the scourge of prosperity and affluence. Now that's some change we can believe in.

Personal income in 42 states fell in 2009, the Commerce Department said Thursday.

Real Time Economics

Declining Incomes

How state personal income changed in 2009 from 2008.

Nevada's 4.8% plunge was the steepest, as construction and tourism industries took a beating. Also hit hard: Wyoming, where incomes fell 3.9%.

Incomes stayed flat in two states and rose in six and the District of Columbia. West Virginia had the best showing with a 2.1% increase. In Maine, Kentucky and Hawaii, increased government benefits, such as unemployment insurance and Social Security, offset drops in earnings and property values.

Nationally, personal income from wages, dividends, rent, retirement plans and government benefits declined 1.7% last year, unadjusted for inflation. One bright spot: As the economy recovered, personal income was up in all 50 states in the fourth quarter compared with the third. Connecticut, again, had the highest per capita income of the 50 states at $54,397 in 2009. Mississippi ranked lowest at $30,103.

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