Monday, May 31, 2010

Video of Israeli Action Against Gaza Flotilla Shows the Truth

You'll hear the state-run media start to bash Israel for stopping the "peaceful" flotilla of "protesters" and "activists" over the next couple of days, but you'll know better. Why? Because you will have seen this video that clearly shows what really happened. When you engage in combat against a military, I think you should reasonably expect someone to die. And it will probably be you.

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1 comment:

  1. Just plain Satanic, deliberately trying to pick a fight with Judah. Pity so few of them were dispatched. Were any IDF hurt in this operation?

    The way Obama is going, setting up the Israelis in a existential situation, war will become inevitable.

    May the God of Abraham, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, - who will not reject His People whom He fore-knew - remember us quickly.
