Sunday, May 30, 2010

Obama: Passion for Demagoguery, Disinterest in Issues

The pop fiction on Obama is that he's super-involved and keenly aware of both the politics and the practicalities surrounding the issues he's committed to addressing. The reality is that he couldn't possibly care less about the issues, outside of their ability to allow him to advance his agenda of government control of everything, and that he prefers to remain ignorant of other people's opinions when they might differ from his opinions, which generally require a teleprompter to even attempt to articulate.

Once again the asshat-in-chief shows his true colors, ignoring Arizona Governor Brewer's attempts to schedule a sit-down while she's in DC. Obama vs. Brewer - apparently ONE of them has enough self-confidence to want to discuss border control and illegal immigration. Of course, there is one other possibility - maybe Obama's worried that Brewer may ask him if he can show he has any legal basis to be in the country...

Obama Snubs Arizona Governor

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) will be in Washington DC this week and has asked for a meeting with President Barack Obama and his Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to discuss border security and immigration. While the president and his cronies have spent the last few weeks trying to score political points by attacking Arizona's right to protect itself, Mr. Obama claims he just can't find the time to discuss the issue with the governor.


The president has been criticizing Arizona's tough new immigration legislation from the moment it was passed; originally saying it was "misguided" then upping his rhetoric to call the law "a misdirected expression of frustration." (source) He has tried to inflame American citizens and non-citizens in the country legally with the fear of civil rights ramifications and he instructed his Justice Department to review the law for possible violations. Yet White House spokesman Adam Abrams said Mr. Obama's schedule "doesn't allow for a meeting" with Governor Brewer. (source)

Of course President Obama is a very busy man. Next week his schedule includes many events that are evidently more important than border security. In addition to several meetings with foreign officials; he will attend an event in Pittsburgh, host a concert honoring Paul McCartney and welcome Major League Soccer's championship team to the White House. All this after a long-weekend getaway in Chicago. But his schedule "doesn't allow for a meeting" with Governor Brewer.

Mr. Abrams says the president "does intend to sit down with the governor in the future." Evidently just not while Paul McCartney is in town or while twice as many Americans support the Arizona law as oppose it.

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