Monday, February 22, 2010
New Obama Logo/Islamic Crest DoD Patches?
Check out the snazzy new logo designed for the Department of Defense's Missile Defense Agency. It appears to be a mixture of Obama's campaign logo and an Islamic crescent.
This is one of those things that makes you say to yourself, "Is this really happening? Can this really be the new patch for the DoD's Missile Defense Agency?" Apparently it is, as the official Missile Defense Agency website confirms.
Is it self-aggrandizing hubris? An Islamic crest? A bizarre mixture of the two? Or just an amazing coincidence?
Hat tip to Chris Islam for catching this. Here's where you can follow him on Facebook. His site's been down from a malicious attack recently.
On that note, we've just started a fan page on Facebook ourselves. You can follow us here.
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This logo is just plain ugly and reminds one of both Islam and the Ă˜bama candidacy. Why not just an American flag, that we can understand. This needs to be changed ASAP. . .
ReplyDeleteThe heighth of narcissism and POTUS connection to Islam. I agree with dbassd, replace with The Stars and Stripes.
ReplyDeleteDo we know it came from the Obama administration or was it just some consultant who came up with this? I do believe Obama thinks of himself as above everyone, and pretty soon the walls will fall in on him, but I am not sure if this is from his administration.
ReplyDeleteDo we know it came from the Obama administration or was it just some consultant who came up with this? I do believe Obama thinks of himself as above everyone, and pretty soon the walls will fall in on him, but I am not sure if this is from his administration.
ReplyDeleteThis is ridiculous!!! Get this administration out of office and hope you never see or hear from them again. Come on November!!
ReplyDeleteI think by now it is pretty clear that Obama is a Muslim,he is also a radical extremist who learned the Alinsky methods of stirring up controversy.He has never denied that he is a Marxist,never denounced his appointee Van Jones.We have perhaps the most radical leftist president ever to sit in the WH.Be on your guard.
ReplyDeleteIf this kind of garbage keeps up, I'm going to start buying in to this "Freemasons want to control the world" thing.
ReplyDeleteThey worship Islam, for their screwed up reasons, but until just recently, I thought the whole thing was bunkum.
When will people wake up and realize this man is a Muslim, socialist? will not provide a birth certificate and is trying to destroy America!
ReplyDeleteThe politicians are sitting in the corner afraid to point out the obvious. They might upset the muslim people. This is a joke. It should be some form of the US flag - period!
ReplyDeleteThis just another way for obama (lower case o intentional) to show his egotistical arrogance. He is a Muslim and the "worst" lady isn't much, if any better. Our representatives seem to be afraid they may upset the Muslims. Too bad. If the Muslims don't like the system and what's being said then they should GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY, or abide by OUR laws.
ReplyDeleteWe are not a muslim nation, get rid of the logo and the President who will "stand with the muslims".
ReplyDeleteImpeach this imposter! It is time for America to wake up and take this once great country back from the socialists/communists who are trying to take our freedoms, guns,and religion from us. Barry is an imposter, impeach him!
Exactly poirot. If we go to Saudi Arabia, do you think they respect our Christian values or religion. We can respect these folks for their diversity, but if they think we cannot force them to take off their burkas or not have separate swimming times for the muslim girls and everyone else - then go the HELL back to where you came from. He IS an imposter. If not why won't he release kindergarten or even elementary school records for Christ's sake. The a-hole is HIDING something. My son just registered for Pop Warner and had to show an original birth certificate. Not a photoshopped copy. I now firmly believe he is an illegal alien like his Aunt here in Boston. Everyone in the WH knows it and probably most of his minnions in Congress know it. Pisses me off..... even Fox defends him and says he's born here - without any real proof.
ReplyDeleteTo dblur. Finally, someone has called him by his REAL name. Last name, Soteros.
ReplyDeleteI bet that's what appears on a lot of his early school records, since he came back from Indonesia to attend these schools. Did you all read the bits about his alleged Columbia LS attendance. They only found one guy (maybe two) who remember him at all. And hardly anyone recalls him at Harvard. There are so many mysteries in his past. And the timelines in his Dreams book are all out of whack with reality. If he were a white Republican he'd have been crucified by now.
ReplyDeleteThis thing looks to me to be something we will be required to wear or bow to it probably has a tracking and listening device insideso that the Great Hussein can keep track of us. I don't know about the rest of you out there but I am sick of seeing this Alfred E Newman look alikeevery damn time I turn the tv on The only time I would like to see him is when some one makes an improvement to his image with a 50cal peircing between his eye browsHim The Bitch Pelosi and Harry Reid I hope get beaten so bad in November,I am an independent as of this year because the republicans helped get Ovomit electede McCain was never intended to win he sold out the day he was nominated and got scard to death when Palin started to draw such large crowds that the party had to hide her. I want to see this Half Breed Muslim Islanic bastard out of the office no matter how it is done ,if we don't put a stop to him soon we had better get our copies of the Koran and learn Arabic or get enough people and ammo to stand them off as long as possible
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know how much we paid a marketing firm to come up with this trash and if that firm or its owner donated to the Obama campaign.
Craig - 1. Too much for sure. Probably a few mill out of TARP. and 2. For sure it is a buddy or buddy of a buddy from the East Side.
ReplyDeleteIt's time for freedom loving Capitalists to storm the WH in masses and demand proof that this Fraud can be doing this to our country. It's one thing to take it from someone there legitimately and another to take it from someone who's not eligible to be there in the first place.
ReplyDeleteMaybe another massive TEA party on the grounds without leaving before proof is offered.
Probably the reason obama wants to organize a military police, Chavez-like.
The liberals are ruining this country by growing the entitlement base. Look at what state the once great state of California is in.
Socialists/Marxists/Communists/Liberals, please go live somewhere else. This is the country for you.
That satanic symbol will be on the arms of "HIS" new private army that he talked about on his campaign. The troops will be made up from the New Black Panthers; like the ones that he is protecting from prosecution now. Obummer is setting himself up to be able to shut down the internet and talk radio; our only real source of news. First he has to find a reason to declare Martial Law; and dont think he isnt looking for that reason right now. This muslim bastard is determined to destroy America aa we know it; and become its new dictator for life. Why do you think he admires Hugo Chavez so much. Why do you think he bows before all those dictators and kings? They will become his future allies when he attempts to overthrow our government. His minions Peelousy and Reid will go right along with him; with Peelousy bouncing up and down every 2 seconds with a standing ovation for the rest of her life. A little out there you think? Yeah possibly; but dont think for a minute that the lying muslim in the White House hasnt got many of those plans cooking rigtht now. I just how nothing happens to our country between now and November! Check your ammo supply!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone asked why Obama is doing these things? Why he wants a health care plan that will put the nation into hyperinflation? In Japan they have government health and people are afraid that the government will deny them needed care if they complain politically.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone asked themselves why Obama is doing everything he can to make the people so angry that they've almost reached the point of rebellion?
Has anyone asked themselves what Obama will do if the country DOES rebel against him? And has anyone asked themselves why Obama would WANT the country to rebel against him? Why he would want to deliberately collapse the U.S. dollar and our economy?
Has anyone asked themselves why Obama has given orders to a certain Air Force general to quietly amass an army of a million men in preparation for what Obama believes will be a coming civil war?
Has anyone thought about what would happen to free speech, the Second Amendment, the 2010 elections, and the 2012 elections should Obama find it necessary in his mind to declare martial law to bring back order after the people have rebelled?
Has anyone asked themselves why Obama has set up a group of ten DEMOCRATIC governors to quietly plan for a nationwide martial law situation?
Ask youself these questions, then draw your own conclusions as to where this is all leading. If anyone doubts that these things are actually going on right now,you may email me and I will send you documentation, including a direct White House order from Obama that will prove all that I'm saying. My email is
When you reach the same conclusions that I have about where all this is headed, you will suddenly realize that Obama truly is an evil man, who is trying to re-create Germany of the 1920's.
God help us in these next few years.
I spotted an error on your web page which you should correct; it makes you look better when there aren't errors. Item #25 under the self evident truths: is the word supposed to be "another" or "any other"?
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time I have seen your webpage or heard of you. I liked what you have to say.
If you could tell me what to do or where to go to get these guys out of "OUR WHITE HOUSE" I will gladly lead the march and get the ball rolling. I have nothing to lose but we "AMERICANS" have much to gain by getting our Country back from the enemies!! I am so glad I didn't vote for him.
ReplyDeleteDon't talk work togeather town to town to repair this. We deserve to get what we pay for where we elect the people to office we expect good days work for the absorbent amount they are paid. BUT head in the sand is what we get. Stand up and yell and don't stop.
ReplyDeletewhen convicted of treason i hope the man get the death penalty or at least put into the same cell as his gay friends. is having a birth
certificate march on washington, dc soon. participate if you can and bring your birth certificate.
msspurlock >, Sorry to disagree with you, but I have the priviledge of knowing several Masons. They are all Christans, and damn good people and as it happens, they think that Obama is the worst blight this nation has had in a long time. I would feel extremely secure if these guys had my back in any situation. Did you know that when they became Masons, they were all given a beautiful King James Bible, intended to be a family heirloom to be passed on? There is just a lot of bunk and BS about the Masons, but there is too much fact about Obamination. Please don't put them in the same catagory.
ReplyDeleteI don't know where that suff came from but the Masons are in NO way connected to Muslims. Man My Dad and my Grand father would be twirling like a top in their graves if they heard that
ReplyDeleteChina, Russia, Europe and a bunch of other countries knew that America could not be brought down from without. So they are more than pleased to see us taking ourselves apart from within.
ReplyDeleteUGLY and Satanic and certainly not American.............God Help us. Need I say more? It is real, my friends. Go there, go there now and sign the petition! Last I saw it was over 300,000.
ReplyDeleteNeed more proof that Obama is a secret Muslim?
ReplyDeleteIts clear now that we Americans,or the Ones that have woken up out of our Kool-Aid Stupers see the real Danger in Obama and this Administration. All the signs were there,we just didn't want to believe it.Well I for one now know that He really ment it when he said that "We are just a few short days from fundamentaly changing this Country". Changing Into something that we Americans would never believe. We must stop him,with every thing in our power.We must vote him out or if possible Impeach him.There must be something we can do.I fear that in a couple of years we will not recognize this great Country.
ReplyDeleteThis is sickening! The audacity of the illegal Pontus in the Oval Office is becoming overbearing! This Narcissist needs to be Impeached in 2011, as soon as the Legion of Demons Reign is kicked out in November! Obamass needs to show his long form Birth Certificate or get the hell out of America!
ReplyDeleteBelow is a link for the London 2012olympics you will also find intresting.
ReplyDeletedeconstructed and reconstructed like a puzzle, it appears to spell 911 and symbolizes a plane hitting twin towers plus the pentagon
In addition to this logo there is the sister event Paralympics. same logo but a little different.
ReplyDeletehere afte reconstructing it. I get what symbolized statue of liberty, twin towers and what appears to be embassy suites hotel
across from ground zero.
Finally, If you go into Google Earth 5.0 + using the 3D buildings feature and go through the roof of the Embassy Suites you will see a gallery of the aftermath of 911 at Ground Zero.
ReplyDeletesample picture link
Did anyone know Google Earth previously was a propgram called "KEYHOLE". Strange name.
check it out...
This is one of many references to Islamic branding related to the current Administration. Even Pre Election while Obama was campaigning. If you get a Hi Res image of the Dome of the Rock look its entrances on each side they are Blue Crescent with red and white striped marble pillars.
ReplyDeleteThis is where muhammad stood on the sacred rock " El Sakhra" before making his ascention. This is what the palestinians are fighting for.
Watch Video
Why hasn't obama gone to any church yet since he's been president. Is it because he can't go back to his radical preacher that "God Damn America" or is it because he is a muslim and doesn't want to show his true "color"
ReplyDeleteA little too much imagination on this London 2012...
ReplyDeletePlease, please, please - -spread the word; help get an impeachment process started! Don't even wait for 2010 elections, but when it comes, do not waste any votes - -just vote out any "dumbokrat" who simply marches, in lockstep, with the socialist, Marxist, communistic fraud, who currently occupies the oval office. I did not vote for this creep and would not, even if he were the last candidate standing. I saw him for what he was, from the beginning, but everyone looked at me, like I had two heads, when I spoke my mind.
ReplyDeleteI have always said Obama was NO GOOD! I never voted for him and I won't vote for him. The supposed Minority THINKS he is Black? NO HE ISN"T! He is muslim! There is a difference. HIS Wife is black. SHE helps him run the white house.
ReplyDeleteYES, by ALL means America, get BO out of the white house come November if not get him impeached asap. He is trying? Yeah, he is trying to RULE America and bring the super power down on it's knees. He is doing it for the Muslims. Any of you ever been on yahoo chat sessions in the past oh say, 5 years? I have. & Need I say more? BO didn't even hold his hand on the Bible let alone say the oath right the first time. WHY should/did he get another chance? FIRST time in history for that one too. What made him so special? Right then and there, he should have been booted out! He gets a dog for his family, hmmmm where does that make him a special K? He always said: He was going to make HIS WHITEHOUSE his. HIS??? Ha ha ha
It is the American people's whitehouse Mr. BO... Sorry for ya!
Let me tell ya, I can go on & on about this but I won't. It just causes ulcers and right now BO Has taken ALL my money and I can't afford any more Doctor bills.
May GOD Bless America........
get over yourselves! it just so happens to look just like the NASA logo. that being said, i'm surprised that Obama even wants a missile defense program. seems like a pretty odd move for an anti-American.
ReplyDeleteHello MORONS. The logo was created in 2007, during the Bush Administration. Teabaggers, your paranoia is hilarious and also hysterical, in both senses of the word, which is why you are a joke, not only in America but (much to America's embarrassment), around the world. Please keep amusing us with your ignorance and jaw-dropping stupidity.
ReplyDeleteTo Dan Verg-in response to your "moron" commentary (copy attached)You're the "moron" - -stupid; no matter who came up with this "logo", it's unacceptable. Your misguided ego is bigger than you are and you must be an obama lover, therefore delusional. If you don't like "patriot" teabaggers, nor the "representative republic" we've enjoyed (and don't want to change) for over 200 years- - YOU ARE "FREE" TO LEAVE - - -"anytime, anytime, anytime" ( as O'Reilly would say). If you're so in love with marxism, socialism, despotisim, you need to reside in China, North Korea, Iran (anywhere besides the USA). Obviously, you're "embarrassed to be an AMERICAN", so go get your own "life" and leave mine the hell alone!!!
ReplyDelete----- Original Message -----
From: "DanVerg"
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 4:44:54 AM GMT -07:00 US/Canada Mountain
Subject: [Evil Conservative Radio] New comment on New Obama Logo/Islamic Crest DoD Patches?.
DanVerg has left a new comment on the post "New Obama Logo/Islamic Crest DoD Patches?":
Hello MORONS. The logo was created in 2007, during the Bush Administration. Teabaggers, your paranoia is hilarious and also hysterical, in both senses of the word, which is why you are a joke, not only in America but (much to America's embarrassment), around the world. Please keep amusing us with your ignorance and jaw-dropping stupidity.
Right on June. We like the America we've grown up in. Obama's idea of change is FAR different than what most people expected him to suggest. If you like what he's doing Danverg, I am sure there are daily flights to any of the commie socialist countries you seem to admire.
ReplyDeleteRick-Thanks for your words of support; I should probably explain I'm an "old, redneck grandma" (72) and remember WWII, FDR and all that followed after. I have difficulty "tolerating" liberls, wing-nuts and America bashers; also realize "they" have the right to speak their minds, but I will not live with their (minority) decisions. I know it will get better soon, but only if we all hang together! (who made that statement?? "If we don't hang together, we will all hang seperately)
ReplyDeleteOk, make a couple million of these and pin them on every democrat starting with the president. this will be there official logo as being the back stabber/traitors to the real Americans that are the true patriots of America.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel this comment is to harsh or stupid than disregard it. I truly feel that the form of government we have right now is doing more harm than good. there is no overseer to regulate the deliberate foul actions taking place in the senate and irresponsible behavior in the executive office [branch] in Washington. they are swimming rampant like a school of sharks and in the process are making the United States the laughing stock in the eyes of the rest of the world.
thank you, and goodday
John-You forget that "WE THE PEOPLE" are the "overseers" of this rabid group that is currently in control. And you are correct, this administration is rotten to the core - -"doing more harm than good". Obama and cohorts are operating in direct defiance of the constitution; I firmly believe we would have no trouble getting the Supreme Court to help us "evict" them; considering the treatment the "Supremes" received from Obama during his SOTU!!
ReplyDeleteJune, believe me and i find it very sad. but, there are borderline republicans that are just downright despicable and just as dangerous as the left wing and need to be monitored accordingly. in all actuality there are good and bad forces at work in government. lets hope the good come to their senses to outweigh the bad or this country will be in even a poorer state of unrepair.
ReplyDeleteJohn-What can I say to encourage you? Do not give up, or give in - -talk to your family, relatives, neighbors, associates; explain that there is "evil" in the world and in our government. It's called "progressiveism" (spelling??) among other things, but we can beat it. And you are correct; there are republicans who are just as "despicable" as the liberal left wing-nuts-they're called "RINOS"!! Don't be afraid to call, write, email this "fake" president and your representatives; tell them exactly what you think of them and what they're trying to do to the USA! You can contact the president's office by email at:! Our ancestors risked their lives, left England to come here and escape oppression and tyranny; they created the beginnings of this great country, but we can't keep it "great" unless we are willing to fight for it! I'm 72 years old (almost 73) and I haven't given up yet!!
ReplyDeleteThere is some good news-princess pelosi has been warned, by letter, that if this health care bill is "deemed and passed" without a vote, she and congress will be hauled into court, by 36 of our 50 states, that are directly opposed to what she is doing!
ReplyDeletePelosi thinks she is queen sh// on tur/ hill... she has got another thing coming. the pres. vice monkey and her can be impeached and the impeachment process should start asap!!!!!
ReplyDeletecontinuation, this will send a very strong signal to the rest of the baboons on capital hill. I am 60 was in the marines and i am sure that what i am saying has been thought of by many many of my fellow marines that what is going on in Washington as i write this short message is not a 3 but a 6 ring circus...
ReplyDeleteJohn-Right on - -I couldn't agree more! Our "best hope" - -this bill will be declared unconstitutional and, therefore, ILLEGAL!! With, or without, impeachment, princess "p" and prince harry only have 7 more months in office. As for obama, I'm waiting for someone to produce his "longform birth certificate" and he'll be out anyway. I think America is angry enough to NEVER make the same mistake again!
ReplyDeletebravo J.G.
ReplyDeleteEven if he doesn't want to be a one termer, I think there will be challenges in a lot of states who will ask for the long form before putting him on the ballot. Pelosi signed 2 approval letters - one saying the constitution applies and one not mentioning it. He is TOAST! Problem is - how much freakin' damage is going do be able to do between now and Jan 2013!
ReplyDeleteRick-Again, have courage! Obama has issued multiple executive orders, most of us know nothing about; with the "right" president voted in, any and all of his "executive orders" will be cancelled, nullified, or whatever. In the meantime, if we can prove he is "ineligible", he'll be thrown out instantly and everything he signed into law, will be out with him! There is hope; do not give up - -WE HAVE TOO MUCH TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO REGAIN!!
ReplyDeleteJohn-You made me cry, I kid you not; I don't do that easily. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your service, past and present. Semper Fi! We love you and your fellow Marines! Just as I love the Navy (my Daddy was a sailor WWI) and the Air Force (my brother was a flier WWII) Army (too many to count)!! WE CAN TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!!
ReplyDeleteJohn, thank you for your service. June by your last name I believe I would be right if I checked French as your background. I am a Swede, my Mom is thankfully still with us and going strong, and hates obummer. I also want to see his birth certificate. I believe he is the proverbial Anti-Christ. The problem I have is I do not know who is pulling his strings. Why is this POS trying to bring down the USA? There is NO money trail to follow.
ReplyDeleteIt's nothing new or smething we didn't expect this half breed and his comrades are just getting started ,we can expect to see all kinds of new logos and commie slogans popping up now that they have found that they can DEEM some thing pasted. Man do you think we could deem thes Muslim communist dead and go ahead and replace them like they have done our government?
ReplyDeleteOvomit's birth certificate is one document you or any one will get to see ,he has spent 1.6 mill on lawyers to hide it . Then he passed excutive order 12245 that has given interpol and the UN police power over us and any document that he turns in to them can not be released to any one unless he give permission ,not congress the senate or even the supreme court,but they ( UN and Interpol) can come into your home and seize anything they want especily guns and ammo without a warrant acompanyment of local law
ReplyDeleteHi Dave-There is a "money trail" BUT the FEC and the DNC (who didn't bother to vet him) won't release the info! Look at obummers background-raised as a "muslim"!! By the way, he renewed his "Indonesian passport" - -at age 18; doesn't that tell us something?? Because he was "adopted" by his Indonesian stepfather, he automatically became a citizen of Indonesia. Anyway, about my "French" origins - -I married and divorced a "Frenchman" (after 34 years of grief; by truthful ancestry, I'm quite a mixture- -French, Indian, Scotch, Irish and English!! Oh, my!
ReplyDeleteSkip-Fear not, just prepare!! Do you know how to "hide your guns from criminals" (and the law)?? If you're not sure, start working on that - -whatever you do, don't bury them in the back yard! Someone said that's the first place they look. If we can just hold on til November, there is hope- -we can make him a "lame duck" very quickly. Whatever we do, it has to be peaceful and legal.
ReplyDeleteNever thought of the angle of turning stuff over to them and there it can sit forever. We don't need the damn b/cert. Let's see the college and university and Punahou school records. They will tell it all. I mean this guy knew what he was doing from the git go. Locking down all that stuff before anyone even thought to ask. And all the dates in his books are phony. Nothing matches. WHY IS NO ONE GOING AFTER THIS STUFF? I need a birth certificate for my kid to play little league.
ReplyDeleteWhy would I want to hide my guns I plan on using them if need be.
ReplyDeleteThe half breed has been set up for this socialist take over by Soros and the Builderberg group since before 2000,this just didn't happen overnight ,we need to have this investigated along with the socialist medicine take over and find out what gifts have been promised like this crap for illlegal s to get amnesty
ReplyDeletewhat, nobody wants free health care? it is not free. it is paid for by guess who, not uncle sam. thats right, you the american taxpayer. and to the republic for witch we fall, one nation, under obama, and justice and liberty taken away from all.
ReplyDeletethank you john t. sr.
going back to the original topic. the crest looks like something from a superman comic book. and that is what it is comical. a joke, that someone in Washington took seriously.
ReplyDeletecan you people actually fathom the degree of stupidity on capital hill that is supposed to be governing this nation to the best of their abilities. for which they took the oath of office for at their swearing in for their post of office. Obama, believe what i am about to say, is being misled by his fellow constituants. and believing that he is doing the rite thing. but, no, he is so inexperienced and guillible that he will believe anyone... to me there is no difference between black, white, or yellow. there is no persecution in my heart just truth.
to get back on track OOoobama, is a puppet and these so called smart politicians are pulling his strings. and he is not aware of the dangerous ground he is treading. jfk had his brother as attourney general. obammer has nobody.....if he can get his wits. who knows, maybe a ba///rd kennedy.
ReplyDeleteI wrote an email to the dod about their new logo and ask them where it came from and what fool actually authorized using that goofy looking peice of Muslim obama looking peice of crap .I doubt that I ever get an answer but who knows. But beleive me obama is not that niave he is being guidd by the best that the Builderbergs,Rothchilds and communist have along with his Muslim brothers
ReplyDeleteif as an american if you are, but a lot af natural born muslims are americans also if not for a few in nam my balls would not be here today
ReplyDeleteWe have had enough Kennedy's we need nothing like that at all again ,just like we need another Bush. What we neeeed is someone that is not a life long politition that has no ties with any one really what we need is a working man with enough since and guts to tell both parties to wait and see what the people want not what Goerge Soros or ACORN or any political group
ReplyDeleteDo not ever guestion my being an American you stupid ass I spent three years in that hell hole called vietnam and six months as aPOW so you sir can kiss my ass I have no use for Muslims I feel about them as I do the Cong the only damn thing they are good for is target practice ,I just lost two nephews and four good freinds fighting the bastards
ReplyDeletethe government wants the population to drink alcohol, that way they can pocket more MONEY. that way with their line of thought they can keep some but not all in control under the local judicial system. that is why i wrote. this country needs a state by state localized militia. to protect what god has given and the rights and liberties thus was put forth in our great constitution, and even more so our Declaration of Independence........ hillary is still vieing for president. a cunt like her never...billy and his wart. lewinski loved it...
ReplyDeletedon't go there skip or do you want to put peanut butter on my grave skippy
ReplyDeleteskip is a hellion is he not? good. lets get back to basics the asshole in .gov.need to be byby asap so...... skip what do you suggest.and skippy where is youe grand jar of peanut butter. so i cam smear it all over my lower extremes and you can slowly lick and chew my shit stained shorts...
ReplyDeleteJohn-The only reason to hide your guns (and ammo) is so burglars and/or law enforcement cannot spot them. Somehow, you need to find a way to disguise them, so they are easily accessible to you, but not obvious to anyone else. The guy who wrote "How to Hide Your Guns From Criminals" lived in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina; law enforcement searched all homes, in the area and confiscated all firearms "so looters wouldn't get their hands on them". After the confiscation was then the looters hit - -but the author had his "secret stash" and was able to protect himself and his family!
ReplyDeletehey skippy, do you remember the ghost from 6 days past? ya know a royal enema will help get rid of all the peanut butter from your ass...but , your line of thinking is still off base. so, we think some peanut butter must have gone to your extreme upper extremities, leading to a terminal brain fart.. try rheeming your ears out with a diamond carbide half inch drill..and asshole!!!!!! i never said you were anti-american i was insinuating you were antagonistic....
ReplyDeletehey skip, step up to the plate and i will help you get all the cobwebs out and clean your clock on a few issues, you are not even aware of. and yes a sentence actuslly can be as long as a paragraph. or did you forget basic english also?
ReplyDeleteJohn-I copied and pasted this item for you and anyone else who's interested; I plan to be watching!
ReplyDeleteSubject: This Sunday Night
Info for anyone interested.
This Coming Sunday-- Set Your DVR This Sunday at 9:00 PM eastern. Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX. Sounds like this could be History in the making - someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News.It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past.This Sunday Fox news, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9 P M Eastern.The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, I.e., how he was participating with this man, and not for the reasons he stated.The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET. Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know.
oh, poor skippy he is thinking about the kennedys. if jfk was still here, he would forgive you.. but his predecesors would not..
ReplyDeletewe have a nigger/wigger as president that misled the population of the country he is supposedly as a man of god???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????cannot do the dutys as written in the constitution of our not his ideals evidently... we the people need to start a state petition for either his resignation or demand impeachment, adding the people of this great country of the united states of america requests your prompt resignation from the your relative term as president of this republic for which was put down in the constitution of this great country.
ReplyDeleteaddendum go back to kenya and dictate there. not here in the country i was born in. and fought for. what did you do but get caught like tiger woods. mister congeniality. you and the clintons are in the same boat. you and mr. wart. it is well known that you and hillary have had a few dozen interludes. mr obama. who is the jackass???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
i hope this actually gets to the wigger presidents eyes. why not, get the hell out of my country you kenyan born from an american mislead bitch....................................................................................................
if any one wants to input, all comments welcome. john
God only knows what our President is, but in my estimation he acts more like an atheist than a Muslim or Christian & like he's anti-American which would explain his deference 2 Islam which is also anti-American.
ReplyDeleteWhen Muslims like this Imam Rauf accuse America of racism & bigotry they should immediately b asked 2 admit Hamas terrorist org & 2 condemn & 2 condemn abuse of rights of women & Christians in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, and then 2 explain how they feel about Jews & then b forced 4 rest of interview to explain their own racism, intolerance & bigotry. America doesn't need lectures from the most intolerant, racists & bigots on the planet, on tolerance.
ReplyDeleteThis is just more branding, and more evidence that Obama is an insane puppet who has not yet realized that the rest of us (outside the progressive indoctrination circles) have witnessed one two many correlations to the other progressive movements - Hitler/mullahs/Castro/mao/chavez etc etc...
ReplyDeleteStarting with those creepy surreal posters of the exalted leader, on down to the swaztika, scythes, rising suns (getting it yet?) and the soon to be hitler youth/young communist/red army style - "Youth civil defense force - better funded than the military (as of course it is the people who are the danger to the regime, since no one on the outside wants anything to do with it)"