Saturday, February 6, 2010

Are the Natives Getting Restless?

I ran across this on Free Republic and, well, thought it was interesting enough to pass along. It was written by Gargantua, without whose permission I have reprinted it here, fair use and all - or is it Fair Use? I'm no attorney.

Anyway, one of the things we'll talk about this week is whether the birth certificate issue is hurting us or helping us - and does that really matter in issues of right vs. wrong and our Constitution?

Why The Need To Lie About “Birthers?”

We all, those of us on the ironically enough referred to “right,” understand without any explanation why it is that the Liberal Left and their complicit major Media lapdogs feel a need to demonize and intentionally misrepresent the thrust of what is insultingly called the “birther” movement. According to the ‘straw man’ set up by these disingenuous smut peddlers so that they can easily knock it down, is that this “birther” movement is kooks who insist that there is a ‘vast conspiracy,’ an evil, well-orchestrated cover-up of the fact that Barrack Obama was not born in the United States.

Their need arises from a desperate desire to cloud the issue at hand, and take the trained-seal public’s attention off of the actual question being posed, and focus it instead on those asking the question while simultaneously painting us as crackpots worthy only of ridicule and, eventually, dismissal. Calling any who would ask questions about Barry’s birth “crackpots” does the job quite nicely, and encourages others not to pursue this line of inquiry.

This is not unexpected or surprising, as such obfuscations and sleight-of-hand trickery are mainstays of the Liberal Alinskyites who seek to destroy the America we all grew up in and dearly love, and replace this Constitutional Republic and its omnipotent Manifest Destiny with just another limp 3rd World Banana Republic ruled by dictatorial fiat and One World considerations.

The truth about the “birthers” is that we acknowledge certain inarguable, publicly known facts, and in response to these facts, pose some really simple questions.

The facts which are all a matter of public record, and which we herewith admit into evidence are these;

1. Barack Hussein Obama has spent north of one million dollars in legal fees challenging the release of his original long-form birth certificate, which bears his footprint(s), the name and signature of the delivering physician and at least one witness, and the time and place of the birth. Nobody has ever claimed to have seen this document, and having seen it, specifically verified that it proves Mr. Obama meets the aforementioned “natural-born” requirement.
2. Included as protected in this convoluted legal challenge of secrecy concerning his own founding documents are all of his college transcripts, his applications for college student financing, and all travel records as would have been recorded on his passport(s).
3. His own maternal grandmother (in Kenya) insists that she was present when he was born there.

The three big questions posed by the “birthers” in direct response to this truly unfathomable need for secrecy and the apparent role of the media in either burying the story or demonizing those who might dare to tell it are these:

1. If everything is as you have stated regarding your founding documents, why not just show them and be done with it?
2. Why has Hawaii’s Attorney General come out and publicly refused to back up the statements made by other Hawaiian officials who claim to have seen and verified the information on your long-form birth certificate?
3. How did you travel to Pakistan with your college roommate at a point in time when Pakistan was at war, and it was illegal for American citizens to enter that country? How, if you are a documented citizen of the USA, were you allowed in?

There are many other questions that should be answered, like why did the DNC’s own Elections Certification body not verify in writing to all 50 states (as the law requires them to do) that you were indeed a verified natural-born citizen of the United States of America prior to the 2008 general election?

Why is the Media not asking you these questions?

In over two-hundred-and-fifty interviews and question-and-answer sessions with major Media outlets beginning with your announcing your candidacy for president, no reporters have ever asked you directly about, or reported upon, the highly unusual need for the unprecedented and very expensive secrecy over what for most of us would be rather mundane, everyday documentation. Again, why?

But I digress.

What bothers me is not the way the usual liberal suspects are playing this shell-game. My problem is with otherwise reputable and normally reliable information sources and conservative organizations playing this same game. As an example, currently has an article attacking Joseph Farrah for playing to the “birthers” at the Tea Party Convention taking place in Tennessee this weekend. In it, Townhall posits that such “conspiracy theories” only “diminish” and “hurt” the conservative cause.

How does asking a question, or a series of questions, regarding undisputed facts in the public domain, make those who pose the questions “conspiracy theorists?” Why would conservatives want to caution other conservatives about asking questions that need to be asked, or, worse still, call those querying individuals insulting names for merely asking? I readily admit that there is a small percentage of actual “conspiracy theorists” among the far larger number (according to one recent national poll, nearly 50% of all Americans!) who believe that Obama might not be a naturally-born citizen), but most of us simply want and deserve answers to some rather important questions about this man who openly states that it is his goal to “fundamentally transform” the greatest nation in the history of mankind.

What we do not deserve is to be denigrated or insulted for performing our civic duty as involved citizens. To those “conservatives” who might, for whatever ill-advised reason, want to shore-up the liberal lie and attack us “birthers” I have the following sincere comments.

It is not those of us asking the questions about Obama’s origins who pose biggest threat to America and her conservative causes. It is the Liberal liars smearing us who pose this threat, and it is the misguided “conservatives” who join their screed who aid and abet this vile enemy. If that doesn’t cause you to rethink your motives and your game-plan, then consider this:

Look you now at Tennessee. Look well at the tens-of-millions of independent swing voters represented by those gathered at the Tea Party Convention. You castigate them and urinate on what they deem important at your permanent political peril. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.


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