Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Canadian Lawmaker Rushes to US for Decent Medical Care

What do Canucks do when they have to have a SERIOUS medical procedure done? They come to the USA. But what happens when you're the Canadian Premiere of Newfoundland? Well, that's extra special because it gives people like me a good reason to point out once again the foolishness of Obama's plan to socialize our healthcare system and it makes the liberal squirt-video fantasy of a Canadian-style healthcare system seem like what it really is- just a huge power grab by people who would really prefer we start dying off anyway. As for the Premiere (is there an 'e' on that? I'm not sure), his health is reportedly doing much better than his political prospects, as Canuck media are giving him a hard time for opting out of the junky Canadian system and availing himself of the first-rate healthcare we have here in America. Don't worry too much - we suspect he is some kind of super-wealthy dog farmer... he also rules some place called Labrador. OK, OK, now I'm just baiting Canucks. Seriously. we love you guys.

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