Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Three Reasons Evolution is a Bankrupt Theory

EC takes on the liberals' sacred cow of evolution and their favorite book," The Origin of the Species or The Preservation of Favored Races." EC discusses three crucial areas where Darwin's half-baked theory, and his fully-baked followers, fall flat.

1. The mysterious total absence of "transitional" fossils.
2. The intellectual dishonesty of failing to differentiate between macro-evolution, which is when a new species mutates from an existing species (has never been observed) and micro-evolution (what we used to call adaptation and happens all the time).
3. Darwinists say mutations bring new species and improved functionality, but every mutation ever recorded seems to do exactly the opposite. Mutations are never good.

I'm not even going to comment on Darwin's racism and how his little tome has been used to justify mass murder and genocide repeatedly. Oh crap. Maybe I just did.

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  1. Sorry you feel that way. I have read "Origin of Species" several times, and I find it to be one of the most inspiring, profound and moving expositions in the English

    Have you read it cover to cover, or is your opinion based on the usual collection of out-of-context paragraphs?

  2. For being so erudite, you sure are an idiot. I guess that you have never read the Bible. . .
    Dont bother replying. . .

  3. Oh, but I MUST! I read on all things, and I have read the Bible extensively. I had the pleasure recently of being proselytized at my door, and I used memorized Bible verses to tell the missionaries why I had no respect for their efforts.

    Matthew 6:5 is my favorite, in which Jesus says that those who pray in public are like the hypocrites who pray to be seen by other men, but true prayer takes place in private, which is why I do not participate in organized religion.

    "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

    If Jesus said organized religion and evangelists were hypocrites and that I should conduct my religion in my closet, who am I to argue with Him?

    So yes, I have read the Bible, have you ACTUALLY read "Origin of Species" cover to cover or is your opinion based on what someone else told you?

  4. I'm familiar enough with Darwin's work, and it's on my list right after I finish the Koran in original Arabic. Moreover, I'm sure we're all familiar with the fruits that have been borne of it- namely eugenics, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, communism, atheism, radical environmentalism, and the United Nations are just a few of his intellectual progeny. Since we're on a biblical theme, let me add, "By their fruits ye shall know them."
    Evolution is a poison pool of half-baked ideas (see the "puntuated equilibrium" theory nonsense), more suited for the puerile minds of the easily led than for anyone who is actually observant or informed.

  5. I believe those who deny evolution -- few of whom are familiar with the arguments in its favor, or have any science background at all -- are doing so for noble motives.

    They fear that if evolution is true -- that if human beings are a species of animal, the "third chimpanzee" sharing ancestry with other primates-- that certain very bad things will logically flow from this.

    After all, we treat animals in a very different way than we treat humans. We kill them for our convenience and pleasure, for one thing.

    So anti-evolutionists have decided to draw the line at the question: is man an animal? They thereby hope to draw the line at treating humans as we treat other animals.

    In this, they are identical to those liberals who simply refuse to consider evidence of racial disparites in innate IQ. Liberals fear that if genetically-rooted differences in IQ are found among races, that racism will be strengthened. They may be right about this, but this fact is simply not relevant to the factual issue of genetically-caused racial differences in IQ. (I personally believe we don't know enough about the subject to have a settled opinion on it yet. Research will tell.)

    Although I think this is a praiseworthy motive, in both cases, it involves denying a mass of evidence in the case of evolution. It makes conservatives look stupid. We have to make our fight on other grounds. Like it or not, the earth was not created 6000 years ago by an invisible man in the sky. But this does not imply that man is "just" another animal.
