Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Answered Prayers: Pro-Abortion Leader Sees the Light

For the past 8 years, Abby Johnson worked hard to promote the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, TX. For the past two years she even led the local Planned Parenthood abortion mill in its drive to snuff out little lives. That all changed recently, as a disillusioned and spiritually "converted" Ms. Johnson quit her job to join the local pro-lifers who prayed with her and for her for much of the p More..ast decade. After seeing an ultrasound of an abortion she says she her conscience left her no choice. This year's 40 Days for Life campaign- a prayerful, community-based movement to save lives and change minds- comes to a close with more than 500 children's lives spared, and a high-profile conversion to show for the effort. I only wish I had known about this sooner.

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