Friday, April 17, 2009

Janine Garofalo on Olbermann Says Brain-Damaged Rednecks are Behind TEA Parties

Enjoy being called a redneck racists with neurological malfunctions, courtesy of Janine Garofalo on Kieth Olbermann last night. Ms. Garofalo managed somehow to loft more irresponsible ad hominem hatred in her 3 minute segment than all the TEA partiers together, while asserting that the TEA Parties were motivated by hatred and racism. We're really lucky that we didn't have hundreds of thousands of Ms. Garofalos out there speaking out on our behalf. That would be really embarrassing.

To watch this video turn down the volume on the blue player to your right. Hint - if you lower the volume and don't hit pause, it will remember the lower setting when you refresh/return. If it doesn't start, hit REPLAY. Enjoy

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  1. This show is a pathetic excuse for news analysis. It’s raw hateful, fact-deficient, emotional ranting billed as news analysis. Rush doesn’t do this crap. That’s why he’s taken dumps that are more popular than Gorafalo and Olbermann put together. (Sorry for the visual)

    What we have here is simply two very insecure spiteful junior high school girls bashing other kids they don’t like by calling them offensive names and making up rumors about them. MSNBC just puts them in front of a camera. And they wonder why they keep getting fewer and fewer viewers. There’s a reason “The Great One” Mark Levin calls Olbermann’s show “Countdown to No Ratings.”

    These two people are the poster children for liberal ignorance, hate, and intolerance. It’s bad enough that they consider themselves enlightened and intelligent. What’s even more troubling is that there are Americans out there—and you know who you are—who believe they are too.

    http://VocalMinority.typepad.comThe Jewish Republican’s Web Sanctuary

  2. Wow, were Garofolo's comments vicious and hateful, or what? Also, totally inaccurate. I attended the Atlanta Tea Party, along with my 25-year-old son, and saw absolutely no evidence of racism or misfiring synapses. What I DID see was a lot of patriotic Americans who are worried about the future of our country and fed up with irresponsible government spending and so-called "representatives" who have totally lost touch with the people they work for -- hey, that's US, We, the People. I saw young, old, black, white, and other races. Everyone was well-behaved and there were no problems at all, other than the huge crowd that was packed together trying to see the speakers and guests. Guess we must have hit a big nerve, huh? Janine, I used to like your comedy and think you're a decent actress, but don't want to hear you spew your unelightened opinions anymore. Zip it!!!!

  3. Waaalllll, shoot. I guess that-there Miz Garofalo-alo has us all figgered out. At least, I thank she duz, cuz I could not figger all them big words. What's that thing -- a limbo brain? And all the violence and such -- well, shoot. She done got us all figgered out. Best put back the shotguns and rock-salt, Bubba, and bring out the Blue Ribbon.

    /end dumb act

    I am not certain what part of that whole clip I found to be the most offensive. Olbermann's repulsive "double entendres," played from a lame sophomoric joke first conceived by a liberal, were incredibly -- stupid. Like that nasty popular girl in middle school who spread rumors about the girls she didn't like. Or like the wise guy who had no other skills saying dumb things in the locker room to get other guys to laugh.

    Then again, J. Garofalo's "brilliant" insights into the limbic brain of the average redneck -- my god, does she not know how racist that is? She is implying there is a biological difference between people who want to choose what to do with their money, and people who are passively handing it over or getting government handouts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that one of the big points made by the eugenics movement before the horrors of WWII ended it? That black and asian brains were smaller than white, that Aryan brains were the biggest, and that women were not as smart as men due to the smaller brain? Self-evidently wrong to us today in hindsight -- except Ms. Garofalo seems to want to bring it all back again, along with the rest of the legacy of the original Progressives.

    No wonder no one intelligent and independent-thinking watches that show.

  4. Tea bag this you racist granola yuppie

  5. Wow! I guess I was too busy getting degrees in chemistry, physics and mathematics to realize how ignorant I am. Maybe I should have pursued that history degree afterall. And, I really wish my (black) karate instructor had beaten the hell out of me for being so racist.

    Thanks to Garofalo and Olbermann for pointing out my short comings.

  6. I want to tell Janeane Garofalo and others who oppose Tea Parties:

    Politicians & media did their best to discredit the Tea Parties by describing them, first, as a partisan Republican movement, and, second, as a revolt of greedy rich people who don't want to pay more income tax...

    But as I saw - and anyone who went to a Tea Party with an open mind would have seen as well - the Tea Parties did not consist of any ONE party. These Bi-partisan protestors were as disgusted with big spending under President Bush as they are opposed to big spending under the present administration. This was a powerful movement of Americans who are fed up with the irresponsible politicians from BOTH parties. In some places, politicians were barred from speaking and forced to listen to US for once in a very long time!

    Alarmed at the Growing Burden of Government on ALL Americans Tea Party participants were not simply angry about higher federal income taxes. They were alarmed at the burden of this growing government on ALL Americans, & the nation we are leaving to our children. Taxing future generations to pay for THESE POLITICIANS' irresponsible spending is the epitome of "taxation without representation" which was precisely in line with the spirit of the Boston Tea Party in 1773!!! The fact that the majority of Americans are not being represented accurately should alarm ALL of us! WHY DOESN'T IT?

    What the elite media missed is that state and local taxes are going up for EVERYONE. For petesake watch CSPAN! Add that to higher gasoline taxes, corporate taxes, death taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes, and the very real threat of an energy tax. No wonder anyone with a brain wanted their voices to be heard!

    The Obama budget being negotiated in a House-Senate Conference Committee this week projects an astounding $9 trillion increase in federal DEBT over the next eight years!! Since no one expects the politicians in control of Washington to CUT spending, this level of debt guarantees higher taxes for the middle class AND higher inflation for EVERYONE! HELLO! Higher taxes & higher inflation means less income, less savings, and almost no economic opportunities for EVERY person in America!!! Yes even those of you who opposed me protesting against this castistrophic future of yours! DUH!

    The majority of the media DIDN'T want you to understand this! The Americans at the Tea Parties last week did! Thanks a lot for your lack of support & comprehension, Janeane! You just shot yourself in the foot! WAKE UP MORON!

  7. Ok... so let me get this straight... I, being a woman, am a victim of stockholm syndrome, and not intelligent enough to REALLY know anything about the original tea parties, economics, or the realities of the world in which I live. Wow, I guess I need to write my ultra-liberal professors from the ultra-liberal Universities at which I attended and let them all know that my degrees in Political Science, minor in American History, and that MBA with a focus in Accounting was a waste of time and effort. I'm curious; where did Ms. Garofalo (sp?) earn her degrees in Poli Sci, History, Economics and Neuro Science - all subjects of which she speaks with such authority?

    Oh, I'm not completely "white" either, as I am the decendant of Irish, Scotish, and Welsh immigrants, African slaves, and Cherokee Native Americans, and I am in an "interacial" marriage (couldn't stop laughing when my southern grandmother pointed that out to me) to a man who is Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and the decendant of both Filipino and African slaves as well... as well as the grandson of a German immigrant and the great-great-grand nephew of Sun Yet-Sen (through marriage). But to disagree with Obama as we both do, well, we're just both RACIST (in our case, that'd be a bit difficult considering we're representative of just about every walk of life on this planet!). It's actually a good thing that she speaks her mind as she does... it allows those who may be supporters of Obama, yet who are maybe starting to question what's happening, to see the true supporters of Obama and the extreme ignorance and racist stupidity of such true supportors. (Oh, and I like Rush Limbaugh, too!)
