Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The GOP Better Figure Out Identity Politics - and FAST

Democrats have figured out that race and gender matter. The GOP puts their heads in the sand and tries to pretend that they don't. Politically, the GOP needs a new strategy if they don't want to become un-viable.

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  1. Who/what is that hilariously ridiculous rap at the beginning?

  2. We need to practice identity politics, but not in the way the PC libs/RINOs would want us to.

    We should identify with WHITE voters and bring back the Southern Strategy. We made a mistake in 2006 when the head of the RNC had the gall to APOLOGIZE for our use of the Southern Strategy.

    I think that was the beginning of the end of the GOP, for the elites of the party would rather us lose power than alienate the remaining Hispanics and blacks that are on the fence.

    Look, we're not gonna win the Hispanics or blacks by pandering to them; they are wary of such moves and are more sophisticated than we give them credit for. They will not budge if the alternative is Democrats, which have for the past 50 years been the party that supports policies that are beneficial to minorities, like it or not.

    My solution is to write off those votes and the squishy white urban voters who identify with the blacks, the Hispanics, and the gays. These white suburban/urban voters see the minorities and the gays as their equals. We don't want any of these types of votes.

    If we want to WIN without sacrificing our ideological purity, we must make very clear that we are the party of the white man and white woman.

    80% of this country is white; we could win landslides for decades if we just find a way to make Dems the identity party of the minorities/undesirables, while selling the GOP as the party of the majority and the mainstream.

    This will be harder and harder to do as time passes and minorities become the majority. So if the GOP wants to be viable and not have to bend over to the Hispanics, immigrants, anchor babies, blacks, and other undesirables, we must act now to show clearly that we are the party of the white voter.

    I believe we are indirectly doing that by keeping white faces at the ideological front of the party -- Newt, Rush, Cheney, Jon Voight, Coulter, Beck, Hannity, Levin, etc. Though I'm not sure how it helps by including Michael Steele at the head of the RNC, though I suppose that is just window-dressing to appease the moderates. Plus he has no credibility among blacks anyway, so he is not a huge harm to this vision.

    The goal is to win elections, and at this point we are in dire straits. I know this idea sounds very un-PC, but there are many conservative activists who feel this is the only way to recover and to become a viable party that does NOT compromise ideology.

    The era of the big tent was fine when we weren't on the ropes. Now that we are, we must become as exclusive and pro-white as possible.

    Damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead.
