Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fox's Shep Smith is Stuck on Stupid

Facts or propoganda? Yesterday Shep Smith took advantage of the shooting in DC to smear all the "birthers" and tell us all how there is "no truth" to any rumors
about Barack Obama's citizenship/birth certificate/eligibility to act
as President of the United States. Maybe Shep has access to some
documents the rest of us don't, because, the last I heard.... no one's
seen a birth certificate yet. If Shep's seen it, maybe he'll share it
with the rest of us. If he hasn't, he must be peddling SOMEONE'S agenda-driven propoganda.

A challenge to Mr. Smith. You said yesterday on air:

"We know it's absolutely – there is no truth whatsoever – zero – to any of those ideas, yet they live within the computer and they fester in people's minds."

Reporting is based on verifiable facts. I assume you have verified President Obama's eligibility. Please share that information with us. Or stop peddling your propoganda. I still know the difference.

So that's my challenge, Shep. Now why don't you peel yourself off that barstool and do some reporting?

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