Sunday, June 21, 2009

Israel's Enemies Are Madmen Bent On Destruction

EC helped "co" host Rocky Riedel's show the other night on WIFL, and the topic of Israel, and the "special" relationship with the United States, came up. EC took the opportunity to shoot down some of the ridiculuously false information out there, and make the case that the US SHOULD back Israel 100%

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Mr. Walpin - This Is How YOU Can Get Obama "Fired"

Americorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin was illegally fired by Obama this week as payback for investigating Obama's friend, Sacramento Mayor, former NBA star, and scam artist Kevin Johnson. Mr. Walpin, you may not feel like you have much recourse, but you have a silver bullet that can bring this President down. Make the President show us by what authority he occupies that office.

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Republican Rapper Hi-Caliber

Republican rapper Hi-Caliber made a splash at CPAC, and keeps your feet tapping with his unique no-apologies brand of hip-hop conservatism. He's been a friend of the show for some time, and he'll be providing ECR an exclusive weekly "Hi-Caliber Blast"

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Should Executive Pay Be Limited? EC Debates Sam Pizzigati

It started with executives of companies recieving government money. Now Obama and his henchmen want to set pay levels for every executive in America. Unbelievably, there are some people who think this is a GOOD idea. Sam Pizzigati of Too Much online magazine, and a fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in DC is one of those guys, and he sits down to talk with EC.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The GOP Better Figure Out Identity Politics - and FAST

Democrats have figured out that race and gender matter. The GOP puts their heads in the sand and tries to pretend that they don't. Politically, the GOP needs a new strategy if they don't want to become un-viable.

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White House Brings ABC On-Board, Officially

Real change in how our media "reports" things? Or just formalizing a relationship we all already knew about?

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Cap and Trade: What a Great Way to Control People

The people are finding out- Don't question your government overlords or There WILL be a price to be paid. One unnamed CEO found himself referred for investigation when he tried to go public about the dangers of the cap and trade scheme.

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Does Obama Blame the Iranian Protesters for Being Shot?

That's what it sounded like when EC analyzed Obama's statement yesterday. A whiny, whimpy, weak-kneed response utterly lacking in any support for the demonstrators.

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Obama vs. Capitalism

EC is "deeply concerned" that Obama's agenda seems to include a systematic dismantling of our economy under the government thumb.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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Obama's Emerging Pattern of Abuse of Power

EC examines one of the most troubling aspects of Obama's personality that we're getting to know - Obama has no qualms about hypocritically abusing his power. He'll even ignore his own laws.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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Mr. Obama- Please Make the Birth Certificate Issue Just Go Away

EC is sick of covering this story, and thinks he has a solution. One that only the President himself can implement.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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EC vs. Rock the Liberal: Does Obama Deserve Any Credit for the Iranian Demonstrations?

Millions of people on the streets in Iran are fighting for the basic right of self-determination... how much of this is due to President Obama's Cairo speech.... if any? It's good, old-fashioned political pugilism when EC takes on Rock from the African-American Political Slugfest.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Iran: What Happens Now?

EC sits down with Ryan Mauro, National Security Researcher for the Christian Action Network, to discuss the rapidly changing events in Iran.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic is now LIVE Monday-Thursday at 10PM EDT on the Liberty Works Radio Network

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