Tuesday, September 22, 2009

All Hail Britain's NHS!! 5 of 6 Patients Diagnosed Properly!!

There are two ways of looking at the statistics posted by Britain's National Health Service... and I guess it all depends on your perspective. besides, I've taken a lot of heat from Brits over what they see as criticism of their system. The fact is that it's really just discussion of what's been reported... but let's not get hung up on details. the GOOD news is that 5 of every 6 patients in Britain's National Health Service welfare healthcare scheme actually have their illnesses and diseases diagnosed PROPERLY. Unfortunately that leaves 1 in 6 with a misdiagnosis. Another great thing about this news is that it reminds us that you get what you pay for - and free healthcare is no exception. Thanks Britain... and thanks NHS for all your, uh, great work.

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