Tuesday, September 22, 2009

UN's "Shock Therapy" for the US

The United Nations and the EU are in a tizzy over the US's failure to act on global warming. Now they're threatening to engage in "shock therapy" to get the foot-draggers (like the US) to move quickly on the industry-destroying, liberty-killing, corruption-feeding, progress-hating, neo-Luddite legislation we like to call Cap-and-Tax.

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All Hail Britain's NHS!! 5 of 6 Patients Diagnosed Properly!!

There are two ways of looking at the statistics posted by Britain's National Health Service... and I guess it all depends on your perspective. besides, I've taken a lot of heat from Brits over what they see as criticism of their system. The fact is that it's really just discussion of what's been reported... but let's not get hung up on details. the GOOD news is that 5 of every 6 patients in Britain's National Health Service welfare healthcare scheme actually have their illnesses and diseases diagnosed PROPERLY. Unfortunately that leaves 1 in 6 with a misdiagnosis. Another great thing about this news is that it reminds us that you get what you pay for - and free healthcare is no exception. Thanks Britain... and thanks NHS for all your, uh, great work.

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Why Don't WE Have Patriots in Charge like Honduras?

The news today is that constitutionally ousted strongman Zelaya has returned to Honduras and is hiding out in the Brazilian Embassy. Which raises a few questions- why is he there unless he's there to start trouble? And why is Brazilian interference into another sovereign nation's affairs being tolerated? How is it that so much of the world has taken an antagonistic approach to constitutional government by Honduras in their own internal affairs? And why the hell don't WE have patriots like Roberto Michiletti removing OUR constitutional threat from office?

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Art for Obama... Or You Don't Eat!

The National Endowment for the Arts held a startlingly inappropriate, creepily Stalinist, and probably illegal conference call for potential grant recipients the other day... and EC analyzes what they're really doing and why it's so damn creepy. If only Comrade Obama knew...he'd put a stop to this!

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What the Van Jones Fiasco Tells Us

The Van Jones fiasco, and the problems with both Obama and his administration that it laid bare, are sure to continue causing Obama headaches... provided there are any journalists left.

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Say it Ain't So! Pelosi and Reid Have the Votes??

In the face of a public outraged by the tone-deaf and stubborn government lawmakers, legislative leaders are assuring everyone they can shove health care reform (whatever that means this week) down our throats anyway

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Obama's New Second Job, the Dollar, and the UN

In the worst sign yet that our economy may be headed for rougher times ahead, our President has taken a second job, as Chair of the United Nations Security Council. Is he really allowed to pull this kind of a stunt? Also, in completely unrelated news (yeah, right), the United Nations backed monetary organization (whichever alphabet soup org that is) is recommending the end of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency.

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If Nancy Pelosi was Honest...

Scott Ott at Scrappleface posed an interesting scenario... what if Nancy Pelosi actually told us what's really going on?

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Obama Eligibility Lawsuit Moves... Forward?

Obama's bad summer just keeps getting worse. WND reports that one of the myriad lawsuits questioning Obama's eligibility for office has managed to slide through the carefully constructed legal cheesecloth of politically appointed judges and a complicit, controlled, disinterested media. No surprise that the tenacious Orly Taitz is at the center of it.

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Evil Conservative Radio Whole Show 09.03.2009

Liberals get finger-bitin' mad over healthcare, Stopping a Muslim Honor Killing- Pamela Geller calls in to talk about Rifqa Bari, and how the UK medical system is killing people on this episode of Evil Conservative Radio.

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Obama's Creepy School Lecture Reminds Me Why I Don't Like Public Schools

With President Obama readying his address to public schoolchildren, an advance copy of the lecture has leaked out. What concerns me, however, is less the content of the speech, which seems relatively inocuous, and more the fact that our tax dollars are being used to fund a captive audience for Obama's soapbox.

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Obama Needs "Crisis" to Pass His Health Plan

With academics and pundits starting to openly suggest that a "crisis" is needed for Obama to advance his healthcare agenda, and the swine flu H1N1 scare seemingly multiplying by the day... it's not too nutty to wonder if there might be a connection... is it?

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Evil Conservative Radio Whole Show 09.02.09

Van Jones blows up the spot on the scam to use "green" ideals to make us all RED, and EC blows up the spot on Obama's creepy plan to use the public schools as a captive audience. Is there a hidden agenda? You bet there is- Obama wouldn't pass a law to save a born-alive child's life... and now he wants us to believe he's all interested in our kids' education. Yeah... right

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One Evil Czar is Vanquished - Who's Next?

Now that the postscripts are being written about Van Jones' brief career as the Obama administration's in-house revolutionary (Green Jobs Czar), the logical question is... which nefarious, unvetted, radical pervert Czar can we rid ourselves of next? There are some attractive candidates, ranging from a guy who thinks it's ok to murder newborn children, to a guy who thinks animals should be able More..to sue people (with HIS help, of course), to a guy who openly wants to destroy our right to free speech. EC gives you a tour.

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NY Times Finally Reports on Van Jones Scandal- After He Resigns

The NY Times, as well as virtually every other mainstream (government-run) media outlet, totally ignored the Van Jones story as the President's Green Jobs Czar was outed, on subsequent days, as a proud communist, a racist, a foul-mouthed rabble rouser, and a 9-11 Truther. They noticed the fire right after Jones resigned his post. Great job keeping their readers completely ignorant of the biggest s More..tory of the week

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'Doctors Told Me It was Against the Rules to Save My Premature Baby'

The attached image is a picture of Jayden Capewell, who was born prematurely and died solely because he was denied treatment by the NHS in Britain. If societies are judged by how they treat the weakest and most vulnerable inside their society, then nations with "compassionate" socialized national healthcare plans are surely damned. The leftists who promote such insanity never think about the fac More..t that such systems place targets on the backs of people like Jayden. If Jayden had been lucky enough to have been born in an evil, heartless, for-profit system like ours in America... he would most likely be alive today. Here's the article from the Mail Online:

Doctors left a premature baby to die because he was born two days too early, his devastated mother claimed yesterday.
Sarah Capewell begged them to save her tiny son, who was born just 21 weeks and five days into her pregnancy - almost four months early.
They ignored her pleas and allegedly told her they were following national guidelines that babies born before 22 weeks should not be given medical treatment.

Miss Capewell, 23, said doctors refused to even see her son Jayden, who lived for almost two hours without any medical support.
She said he was breathing unaided, had a strong heartbeat and was even moving his arms and legs, but medics refused to admit him to a special care baby unit.

Miss Capewell is now fighting for a review of the medical guidelines.

Medics allegedly told her that they would have tried to save the baby if he had been born two days later, at 22 weeks.
In fact, the medical guidelines for Health Service hospitals state that babies should not be given intensive care if they are born at less than 23 weeks.
The guidance, drawn up by the Nuffield Council, is not compulsory but advises doctors that medical intervention for very premature children is not in the best interests of the baby, and is not 'standard practice'.
James Paget Hospital in Norfolk refused to comment on the case but said it was not responsible for setting the guidelines relating to premature births.
A trust spokesman said: 'Like other acute hospitals, we follow national guidance from the British Association of Perinatal Medicine regarding premature births.'
Miss Capewell, who has had five miscarriages, said the guidelines had robbed her son of a chance of life.

She said: 'When he was born, he put out his arms and legs and pushed himself over.

A midwife said he was breathing and had a strong heartbeat, and described him as a "little fighter".

I kept asking for the doctors but the midwife said, "They won't come and help, sweetie. Make the best of the time you have with him".'
She cuddled her child and took precious photos of him, but he died in her arms less than two hours after his birth.
Miss Capewell, who has a five-year-old daughter Jodie, went into labour in October last year at 21 weeks and four days after suffering problems during her pregnancy.
She said she was told that because she had not reached 22 weeks, she was not allowed injections to try to stop the labour, or a steroid injection to help to strengthen her baby's lungs.

Instead, doctors told her to treat the labour as a miscarriage, not a birth, and to expect her baby to be born with serious deformities or even to be still-born.

She told how she begged one paediatrician, 'You have got to help', only for the man to respond: 'No we don't.'

As her contractions continued, a chaplain arrived at her bedside to discuss bereavement and planning a funeral, she claims.
She said: 'I was sitting there, reading this leaflet about planning a funeral and thinking, this is my baby, he isn't even born yet, let alone dead.'
After his death she even had to argue with hospital officials for her right to receive birth and death certificates, which meant she could give her son a proper funeral.

She was shocked to discover that another child, born in the U.S. at 21 weeks and six days into her mother's pregnancy, had survived.
Amillia Taylor was born in Florida in 2006 and celebrated her second birthday last October. She is the youngest premature baby to survive.
Miss Capewell said: 'I could not believe that one little girl, Amillia Taylor, is perfectly healthy after being born in Florida in 2006 at 21 weeks and six days.
'Thousands of women have experienced this. The doctors say the babies won't survive but how do they know if they are not giving them a chance?'
Miss Capewell has won the support of Labour MP Tony Wright, who has backed her call for a review of the medical guidelines. He said: 'When a woman wants to give the best chance to her baby, they should surely be afforded that opportunity.'

What the medical guidelines say...Guidance limiting care of the most premature babies provoked outrage when it was published three years ago.
Experts on medical ethics advised doctors not to resuscitate babies born before 23 weeks in the womb, stating that it was not in the child's 'best interests'.
The guidelines said: 'If gestational age is certain and less than 23+0 (i.e at 22 weeks) it would be considered in the best interests of the baby, and standard practice, for resuscitation not to be carried out.'
Medical intervention would be given for a child born between 22 and 23 weeks only if the parents requested it and only after discussion about likely outcomes.
The rules were endorsed by the British Association of Perinatal Medicine and are followed by NHS hospitals.
The association said they were not meant to be a 'set of instructions', but doctors regard them as the best available advice on the treatment of premature babies.
More than 80,000 babies are born prematurely in Britain every year, and of those some 40,000 need to be treated in intensive care.

The NHS spends an estimated £1 billion a year on their care.
But while survival rates for those born after 24 weeks in the womb have risen significantly, the rates for those born earlier have barely changed, despite advances in medicine and technology.
Medical experts say babies born before 23 weeks are simply too under-developed to survive, and that to use aggressive treatment methods would only prolong their suffering, or inflict pain.
The guidelines were drawn up by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics after a two-year inquiry which took evidence from doctors, nurses and religious leaders.
But weeks before they were published in 2006, a child was born in the U.S. which proved a baby could survive at earlier than 22 weeks if it was given medical treatment.
Amillia Taylor was born in Florida on October 24, 2006, after just 21 weeks and six days in the womb. She celebrated her second birthday last year.
Doctors believed she was a week older and so gave her intensive care, but later admitted she would not have received treatment if they had known her true age.
Her birth also coincided with the debate in Britain over whether the abortion limit should be reduced.

Some argued that if a baby could survive at 22 weeks then the time limit on abortions should be reduced.
The argument, which was lost in Parliament, followed a cut to the time limit in 1990 when politicians reduced it from 28 weeks to 24 weeks, in line with scientific evidence that foetuses could survive outside the womb at a younger age.
However, experts say cases like Amillia Taylor's are rare, and can raise false expectations about survival rates.
Studies show that only 1 per cent of babies born before 23 weeks survive, and many suffer serious disabilities.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Keep your Kids Home Day is September 8th

Parents are becoming outraged by Obama's Stalin-esque scheme to indoctrinate every public school child in America with a Kim Jong Il-style back-to-school address to the kiddies. EC's advice? Pull your kids out of government schools and keep 'em out.

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Inside the Obama Worship Books in Public Schools

EC takes a look inside the creepy books recommended for background reading so that kids can be properly receptive to His Majesty's address on September 8th.

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Socialized Healthcare Working Great- Killing and Neglecting People in Britain

This is for all those who keep posting comments to the effect that "socialized healthcare works." Ever notice how the halfwits who write things like that never use any facts to back themselves up. Here's some facts for you... please don't let them get in the way of your agenda. When you're reading this just remember how COMPASSIONATE the system in the UK is.

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, a group of experts who care for the terminally ill claim that some patients are being wrongly judged as close to death.

Under NHS guidance introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff deal with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away.

As a result the scheme is causing a “national crisis” in patient care, the letter states. It has been signed palliative care experts including Professor Peter Millard, Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics, University of London, Dr Peter Hargreaves, a consultant in Palliative Medicine at St Luke’s cancer centre in Guildford, and four others.

“Forecasting death is an inexact science,”they say. Patients are being diagnosed as being close to death “without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong.

“As a result a national wave of discontent is building up, as family and friends witness the denial of fluids and food to patients."

The warning comes just a week after a report by the Patients Association estimated that up to one million patients had received poor or cruel care on the NHS.

The scheme, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), was designed to reduce patient suffering in their final hours.

Developed by Marie Curie, the cancer charity, in a Liverpool hospice it was initially developed for cancer patients but now includes other life threatening conditions.

It was recommended as a model by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), the Government’s health scrutiny body, in 2004.

It has been gradually adopted nationwide and more than 300 hospitals, 130 hospices and 560 care homes in England currently use the system.

Under the guidelines the decision to diagnose that a patient is close to death is made by the entire medical team treating them, including a senior doctor.

They look for signs that a patient is approaching their final hours, which can include if patients have lost consciousness or whether they are having difficulty swallowing medication.

However, doctors warn that these signs can point to other medical problems.

Patients can become semi-conscious and confused as a side effect of pain-killing drugs such as morphine if they are also dehydrated, for instance.

When a decision has been made to place a patient on the pathway doctors are then recommended to consider removing medication or invasive procedures, such as intravenous drips, which are no longer of benefit.

If a patient is judged to still be able to eat or drink food and water will still be offered to them, as this is considered nursing care rather than medical intervention.

Dr Hargreaves said that this depended, however, on constant assessment of a patient’s condition.

He added that some patients were being “wrongly” put on the pathway, which created a “self-fulfilling prophecy” that they would die.

He said: “I have been practising palliative medicine for more than 20 years and I am getting more concerned about this “death pathway” that is coming in.

“It is supposed to let people die with dignity but it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“Patients who are allowed to become dehydrated and then become confused can be wrongly put on this pathway.”

He added: “What they are trying to do is stop people being overtreated as they are dying.

“It is a very laudable idea. But the concern is that it is tick box medicine that stops people thinking.”

He said that he had personally taken patients off the pathway who went on to live for “significant” amounts of time and warned that many doctors were not checking the progress of patients enough to notice improvement in their condition.

Prof Millard said that it was “worrying” that patients were being “terminally” sedated, using syringe drivers, which continually empty their contents into a patient over the course of 24 hours.

In 2007-08 16.5 per cent of deaths in Britain came about after continuous deep sedation, according to researchers at the Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, twice as many as in Belgium and the Netherlands.

“If they are sedated it is much harder to see that a patient is getting better,” Prof Millard said.

Katherine Murphy, director of the Patients Association, said: “Even the tiniest things that happen towards the end of a patient’s life can have a huge and lasting affect on patients and their families feelings about their care.

“Guidelines like the LCP can be very helpful but healthcare professionals always need to keep in mind the individual needs of patients.

“There is no one size fits all approach.”

A spokesman for Marie Curie said: “The letter highlights some complex issues related to care of the dying.

“The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient was developed in response to a societal need to transfer best practice of care of the dying from the hospice to other care settings.

“The LCP is not the answer to all the complex elements of this area of health care but we believe it is a step in the right direction.”

The pathway also includes advice on the spiritual care of the patient and their family both before and after the death.

It has also been used in 800 instances outside care homes, hospices and hospitals, including for people who have died in their own homes.

The letter has also been signed by Dr Anthony Cole, the chairman of the Medical Ethics Alliance, Dr David Hill, an anaesthetist, Dowager Lady Salisbury, chairman of the Choose Life campaign and Dr Elizabeth Negus a lecturer in English at Barking University.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said: “People coming to the end of their lives should have a right to high quality, compassionate and dignified care.

"The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) is an established and recommended tool that provides clinicians with an evidence-based framework to help delivery of high quality care for people at the end of their lives.

"Many people receive excellent care at the end of their lives. We are investing £286 million over the two years to 2011 to support implementation of the End of Life Care Strategy to help improve end of life care for all adults, regardless of where they live.”

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Liberals Are Finger-Bitin' Mad Over Healthcare

Bill Rice learned the hard way- don't put your finger in the face of a liberal activist. You may not get it back.

The fact is that incidents like this only go to show how deranged the left has become. These nitwits are furious that, despite their impassioned invective- and the help of their union thug friends who are being paid to show up and push for healthcare, we just don't want their phony charity and government control.

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Stopping a Muslim Honor Killing

Obama went to Cairo and pledged to ensure that Muslim women could wear their hijabs in America - who knew that they were under attack? But when will he say that Christian girls in America will be protected from murder by their Islamic families?

Rifqa Bari is the 17 year old Christian girl who fled from her Muslim parents after her father allegedly threatened to kill her. She's been staying in foster care in Florida and trying to get some legal protection from her murderous Mohammedan father. Thank God for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the others who have stepped up and faced the Islamic anger and rage on behalf of Rifqa by showing up in court today.

If you pray, pray for Rifqa.

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Why You Should Keep Your Kids Home from Government-Run Schools on Sept 8th

On most kids' first day of government-run school this year, they'll be greeted by none other than the President of the United States, who has a "special" address all ready for the helpless tots, who will find themselves a captive audience. That's reason enough to keep your kids home from their government schools. Frankly, you should never let them return. EC has a copy of the teachers' plan for that day, and we take a close look at what's in store for yor kiddies should you choose to subject them to the Dear Leader.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Harry Reid Implies Kennedy's Death an Advantage for Democrats

Harry Reid blows up the spot for his fellow Dems in an interview with the Reno Gazette. They intend to use the death of Ted Kennedy as just so much political capital. Fact is, Teddy would probably approve. It's just that Reid has such a way with words...

Q: How will U.S. Sen. (Edward) Kennedy's death affect things?

A: I think it's going to help us. He hasn't been around for some time. We More..'re going to have a new chairman of that committee, it'll be, I don't know for sure, but I think Sen. (Chris) Dodd, (D-Conn.). He has a right to take it. Either him or (U.S. Sen. Tom) Harkin, (D-Iowa), whichever one wants it can have it. I think he (Kennedy) will be a help. He's an inspiration for us. That was the issue of his life and he didn't get it done.

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Government Mismanagement is Making Dealers Suffer for Cash for Clunkers

What a fantastic boon the Cash for Clunkers program has been. Even our beloved President Obama made a point of saying what a success it's been. Unfortunately for the hypesters, the reality has been a little different. Auto dealers had to destroy huge amounts of otherwise valuable trade-ins to qualify for money they were promised would be delivered within ten days. Many of them still have millions in outstanding "loans" to the government.

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Flight 93 Memorial: A Middle Finger Would Be Less Offensive

News broke yesterday that construction on the Flight 93 memorial will begin in November. EC brings back guest and author Alec Rawls to talk about the frightening design they've settled on to honor the heroes who saved that plane from hitting Washington DC... and gave their lives to protect others.

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